RNBO Raspberry Pi OSCQuery Runner's Listener persistency ?

Julien Bayle's icon

Julien Bayle

5月 04 2024 | 10:25 午前


Fire a message from any ways (computer, py on the rasp itself etc) and the Runner will fire any messages setup using a inport object in the source patch to that listener.

Are the listeners (created like this) persistent ?

I noticed that, a couple of time, they weren't.

Any guidance here?

Alex Norman's icon

Alex Norman

5月 06 2024 | 6:41 午後

The listeners are persistent in the next RNBO release which should come out very soon.

Julien Bayle's icon

Julien Bayle

5月 06 2024 | 8:05 午後

Hello Alex, thanks for your answer and work on this.

Got a couple of questions about rnbo and raspberry that I will post asap tomorrow. As we are currently in a big dive for a development for a customer, with it ⚡

Can't wait for the next version and to know more about new features 🔥