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GL parallel to lcd


The jit.gl.sketch object records a list of 3-D drawing commands. These commands range from simple turtle graphics to the majority of the OpenGL API.

The jit.gl.sketch object requires one argument: the name of a drawing context. A named drawing context is a named instance of a jit.window , jit.pwindow , or jit.matrix object that has an instance of the jit.gl.render object associated with it. This value may also be set via the OB3D drawto attribute.

Information for Jitter 3D Object (OB3D) messages and attributes to this object


anything The jit.gl.sketch object accepts a list of drawing commands.
circle radius [float]
theta-start [float]
theta-end [float]
Draws a circle with radius specified by radius and center point at the current drawing position. If theta-start and theta-end are specified, then an arc will be drawn instead of a full circle. The theta-start and theta-end arguments are in terms of degrees (0-360). The current shapeorient and shapeslice values will also affect the drawing.
cmd_delete Deletes index or all instances of the command specified by the command argument from the command list.
cmd_enable 0/1 [int]
Enables/disables command in the command list.
cmd_insert index [int]
command [symbol]
command-args [variable]
Inserts command at position index in the command list.
cmd_replace index [int]
command [symbol]
command-args [variable]
Replaces position index in the command list with command .
dimorient The word dimorient followed by a zero or one, affects the drawmatrix command. The default is 0.
drawmatrix Draws a matrix. The format of the message is
drawmatrix <matrixname> <drawing primitive> <texflag> <normalflag> <colorflag>
texflag values are specified as follows: 0=use, 1=ignore, 2=auto
normalflag values are specified as follows: 0=use, 1=ignore, 2=auto
colorflag values are specified as follows: 0=use, 1=ignore
edgeflag values are specified as follows: 0=use, 1=ignore
drawobject The word drawobject, followed by a symbol that specifies an object name and a 0/1 flag that specifies whether or not to ignore the )B3D attributes, draws a named jit.gl object.
cube scale-x [float]
scale-y [float]
scale-z [float]
Draws a box with width 2* scale-x , height 2* scale-y , depth 2* scale-z , and center point at the current drawing position. If scale-y and scale-z are not specified, they will assume the same value as scale-x . The current shapeorient , shapeslice , and shapeprim values will also affect the drawing.
cylinder radius1 [float]
radius2 [float]
mag [float]
theta-start [float]
theta-end [float]
Draws a cylinder with top radius specified by radius1 , bottom radius specified by radius2 , length specified by mag , and center point at the current drawing position. If theta-start and theta-end are specified, then a patch will be drawn instead of a full cylinder. The theta-start and theta-end arguments are in terms of degrees (0-360). The current shapeorient, shapeslice, and shapeprim values will also affect the drawing.
beginstroke Begin definition of a stroked path of the style specified by a following stroke_style argument. Currently supported stroke styles are "
framecircle radius [float]
theta-start [float]
theta-end [float]
Draws the circumference of the circle with radius specified by radius and center point at the current drawing position. If theta-start and theta-end are specified, then an arc will be drawn instead of a full circle. The theta-start and theta-end arguments are in terms of degrees (0-360). The current shapeorient and shapeslice values will also affect the drawing.
frameellipse radius1 [float]
radius2 [float]
theta-start [float]
theta-end [float]
Draws the circumference of the ellipse specified by radius1 , radius2 and center point at the current drawing position. If theta-start and theta-end are specified, then an arc will be drawn instead of a full ellipse. The theta-start and theta-end arguments are in terms of degrees (0-360). The current shapeorient and shapeslice values will also affect the drawing.
framequad x1 [float]
y1 [float]
z1 [float]
x2 [float]
y2 [float]
z2 [float]
x3 [float]
y3 [float]
z3 [float]
x4 [float]
y4 [float]
z4 [float]
Draws the frame of the quadrilateral specified by the four points x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3 x4 y4 z4 .
frametri x1 [float]
y1 [float]
z1 [float]
x2 [float]
y2 [float]
z2 [float]
x3 [float]
y3 [float]
z3 [float]
Draws the frame of the triangle specified by the three points x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3 .
ellipse radius1 [float]
radius2 [float]
theta-start [float]
theta-end [float]
Draws the ellipse specified by radius1 , radius2 and center point at the current drawing position. If theta-start and theta-end are specified, then an arc will be drawn instead of a full ellipse. The theta-start and theta-end arguments are in terms of degrees (0-360). The current shapeorient and shapeslice values will also affect the drawing.
endstroke Ends the definition of a stroked path and renders the path.
getcamera Returns the x, y, and z coordinates of the camera location.
getcmd_index index [int]
Sends the command list item at index as a message out the object's right outlet.
getcmdlist Sends the command list as a series of messages out the object's right outlet. The command list is bracketed by max messages that indicate the beginning and the of the current command list, and the command list is output between these two lines, one line per command. The output takes the form:
cmdlist_begin index
cmdlist index command-name command-arg1 ... command-argN
. cmdlist index ....
glalphafunc Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glbegin draw-prim [symbol]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glbindprogram Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glbindtexture texture-name [symbol]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glblendfunc Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glclear Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glclearcolor red [float]
green [float]
blue [float]
alpha [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glcleardepth depth [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glclipplane coefficient1 [float]
coefficient2 [float]
coefficient3 [float]
coefficient4 [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glcolor near [float]
far [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glcolormask red [int]
green [int]
blue [int]
alpha [int]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glcolormaterial lighting-mode [sumbol]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glcullface Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gldepthmask 0/1 [int]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gldepthrange Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gldisable capability [symbol]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gldrawpixels matrix-name [symbol]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gledgeflag 0/1 [int]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glenable capability [symbol]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glend Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glfinish Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glflush Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glfog parameter-name [symbol]
parameter-value [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glfrustum left [float]
right [float]
bottom [float]
top [float]
near [float]
far [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glhint target [symbol]
mode [symbol]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glget Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gllight parameter-name [symbol]
parameter-values [float list]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gllightmodel light-model [symbol]
values [float list]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gllinestipple factor [int]
bit-pattern [int]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gllinewidth width [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glloadidentity Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glloadmatrix matrix-name [symbol]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gllogicop opcode [symbol]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glmaterial parameter-name [symbol]
parameter-values [float list]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glmatrixmode Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glmultmatrix matrix-name [symbol]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glnormal x [float]
y [float]
z [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glortho left [float]
right [float]
bottom [float]
top [float]
near [float]
far [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glpixeltransfer parameter-name [symbol]
parameter-value [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glpixelzoom x-factor [float]
y-factor [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glpointsize size [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glpolygonmode Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glpolygonoffset factor [float]
units [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glpopattrib Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glpopmatrix Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glpushattrib Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glpushmatrix Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glrasterpos x [float]
y [float]
z [float]
w [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glreadpixels matrix-name [symbol]
x [int]
y [int]
width [int]
height [int]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glrect x1 [float]
y1 [float]
x2 [float]
y2 [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glrotate angle [float]
x [float]
y [float]
z [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glscale x-scale [float]
y-scale [float]
z-scale [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glscissor x [int]
y [int]
width [int]
height [int]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glshademodel Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more info.
glunbindprogram Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gltexcoord s [float]
t [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gltexenv parameter-name [symbol]
parameter-values [float list]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gltexgen parameter-values [float list]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gltexparameter parameter-name [symbol]
parameter-values [list]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gltranslate delta-x [float]
delta-y [float]
delta-z [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glvertex x [float]
y [float]
z [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glviewport x [int]
y [int]
width [int]
height [int]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glulookat Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gluortho2d Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
gluperspective Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glutessbegincontour Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glutessbeginpolygon Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glutessedgeflag 0/1 [int]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glutessendcontour Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glutessendpolygon Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glutessnormal x [float]
y [float]
z [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glutessmatrix matrix-name [symbol]
Draws a matrix using the tessellator as a set of vertices and colors. Dim 0 represents a single vertex/color. Dim 1 represents a single contour. Dim 2 represents a single polygon.
glutessproperty property-name [symbol]
property-values [list]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
glutessvertex x [float]
y [float]
z [float]
Please see the OpenGL "Red Book" or "Blue Book" for more information.
move delta-x [float]
delta-y [float]
delta-z [float]
Moves the drawing position delta-x delta-y delta-z relative to the current drawing position.
moveto x [float]
y [float]
z [float]
Moves the drawing position to the location specified by x y z .
line delta-x [float]
delta-y [float]
delta-z [float]
Draws a line from the current drawing position to the location delta-x delta-y delta-z relative to the current drawing position.
lineto x [float]
y [float]
z [float]
Draws a line from the current drawing position to the location specified by x y z .
linesegment x1 [float]
y1 [float]
z1 [float]
x2 [float]
y2 [float]
z2 [float]
Draws a line from the location specified by x1 y1 z1 to the location specified by x2 y2 z2 .
plane scale-x1 [float]
scale-y1 [float]
scale-x2 [float]
scale-y2 [float]
Draws a plane with top width 2* scale-x1 , left height 2* scale-y1 , bottom width 2* scale-x2 , right height 2* scale-y2 , and center point at the current drawing position. If scale-y1 is not specified, it will assume the same value as scale-x1 . If scale-x2 and scale-y2 are not specified, they will assume the same values as scale-x1 and scale-y1 respectively. The current shapeorient, shapeslice, and shapeprim values will also affect the drawing.
point x [float]
y [float]
z [float]
Draws a point at the location specified by x y z .
reset Delete all elements of the command list.
quad x1 [float]
y1 [float]
z1 [float]
x2 [float]
y2 [float]
z2 [float]
x3 [float]
y3 [float]
z3 [float]
x4 [float]
y4 [float]
z4 [float]
Draws the quadrilateral specified by the four points x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3 x4 y4 z4 .
tri x1 [float]
y1 [float]
z1 [float]
x2 [float]
y2 [float]
z2 [float]
x3 [float]
y3 [float]
z3 [float]
Draws the triangle specified by the three points x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3 .
screentoworld The word screentoworld, followed by a pair of numbers that specify x and y coordinates, returns an array containing the x , y , and z world coordinates associated with a given screen pixel using the same the depth from the camera as 0,0,0. Optionally a third depth arg may be specified, which may be useful for hit detection and other applications. The depth value is typically specified in the range 0.-1. where 0 is the near clipping plane, and 1. is the far clipping plane.
shapeorient rot-x [float]
rot-y [float]
rot-z [float]
Sets the current orientation for shape drawing commands (circle, framecircle, ellipse, frameellipse, sphere, cylinder, torus, cube, and plane). The rot-x , rot-y , and rot-z arguments are in terms of degrees (0-360). The order in which the orientation is applied is first rotate about x axis rot-x , then rotate about y axis rot-y , and finally rotate about z axis rot-z .
shapeprim draw-prim [symbol]
Sets the current drawing primitive for shape drawing commands (circle, framecircle, ellipse, frameellipse, sphere, cylinder, torus, cube, and plane). Valid values for draw-prim are:
shapeslice slice-a [int]
slice-b [int]
Sets the current level of decimation (resolution) for shape drawing commands (circle, framecircle, ellipse, frameellipse, sphere, cylinder, torus, cube, and plane).
sphere radius [float]
theta1-start [float]
theta1-end [float]
theta2-start [float]
theta2-end [float]
Draws a sphere with radius specified by radius and center point at the current drawing position. If theta1-start , theta1-end , theta2-start , and theta2-end are specified, then a patch will be drawn instead of a full sphere. The theta1-start , theta1-end , theta2-start , and theta2-end arguments are in terms of degrees (0-360). The current shapeorient, shapeslice, and shapeprim values will also affect the drawing.
roundedplane The message roundedplane round_amount scale_x scale_y draws a rounded plane with width 2 * scale_x , and height 2 * scale_y and center point at the current drawing position. The size of the rounded portion of the plane is determined by the round_amount argument. If scale_y is not specified, it will assume the same value as scale_x .
torus radius1 [float]
radius2 [float]
theta1-start [float]
theta1-end [float]
theta2-start [float]
theta2-end [float]
Draws a torus with major radius specified by radius1 , minor radius specified by radius1 , and center point at the current drawing position. If theta1-start , theta1-end , theta2-start , and theta2-end are specified, then a patch will be drawn instead of a full torus. The theta1-start , theta1-end , theta2-start , and theta2-end arguments are in terms of degrees (0-360). The current shapeorient, shapeslice, and shapeprim values will also affect the drawing.
strokeparam The word strokeparam, followed by a parameter name argument and a list of parameter values, sets the current value of the parameter specified by the parameter_name argument to be the value specified by parameter_value argument(s). Some parameters are global for the extent of a stroked path definition, while others may vary on a point by point basis.
strokepoint The word strokepoint, followed by three numbers that specify x , y , z coordinates, defines an anchor point at the location specified by those coordinates. Some stroke styles (such as basic2d) will ignore the z coordinate.
worldtoscreen The word worldtoscreen, followed by three numbers that specify x , y , z coordinates, returns an array containing the x , y , and depth screen coordinates associated with a given world coordinate. The depth value is typically specified in the range 0.-1. where 0 is the near clipping plane, and 1. is the far clipping plane.


Name Type g/s Description
autonormal int Automatically generate normals for tri and quad primitives (default = 0)
displaylist int Cache in a displaylist (default = 0)
immediate int Toggles immediate mode. When immediate mode is enabled, a message will be executed when it is submitted rather than on draw.
pushstate int Toggles pushing all attrbiutes on draw.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
jit.gl.graph Open GL floating-point data visualization
jit.gl.gridshape Generate simple geometric shapes as a connected grid
jit.gl.handle Use mouse movement to control position/rotation
jit.gl.isosurf Generates a GL based surface extraction
jit.gl.mesh Generates GL geometry from existing data
jit.gl.model Read and draw Wavefront .obj models
jit.gl.nurbs Generate NURBS surface
jit.gl.plato Generate platonic solids
jit.gl.render Render Open GL
jit.gl.shader Manages a GL shader
jit.gl.slab Performs a GL accelerated grid-based evaluation
jit.gl.text2d Write bitmap text
jit.gl.text3d Write vector text
jit.gl.texture Manages a GL texture
jit.gl.videoplane GL accelerated video plane
jit.gl.volume Creates a GL accelerated volume vizualization
Tutorial 40: Drawing in OpenGL using jit.gl.sketch Tutorial 40: Drawing in OpenGL using jit.gl.sketch