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Output numbers by moving a slider onscreen


The live.slider is a user interface object that resembles a sliding potentiometer.




bang Sends the current value out the outlet.
int input [int]
The number received in the inlet is stored and displayed by the live.slider object and sent out the outlet.
float input [float]
The number received in the inlet is stored and displayed by the live.slider object and sent out the outlet.
assign assign-input [float]
The word assign, followed by a floating point value, causes that value to be stored and displayed and sent out the live.slider object's outlet. If the Parameter Visibility attribute is set to Stored Only, the assign message will not add the new value to the Live application’s undo chain.
init Restore and output the initial value.
(mouse) Click and drag in the slider to change the value. Hold down the Command key (Macintosh) or the Control key (Windows) for more precise mouse control.
outputvalue Sends the current value out the outlet.
set set-input [float]
Sets and displays the current value without triggering any output.
rawfloat input [float]
A raw normalized value (between 0. and 1.) received in the inlet is converted to a real value, stored, displayed by the live.slider object, and the current value is sent out the outlet.


Name Type g/s Description
active int
Toggles the object's active mode. When the active attribute is set to 0, the mouse action does not cause output and the inactive colors are used.
focusbordercolor float Sets the border color in RGBA format to be used when the live.slider has the focus.
modulationcolor float Sets the modulation color of the live.slider object in RGBA format.
orientation int
Defines the orientation of the live.slider object. The orientation modes are:
mode 0: Vertical (the default)
mode 1: Horizontal
relative int
Sets the way that the live.slider object responds to mouse clicks.
0 relative mode: In relative mode (the default), the live.slider objects keeps its relative position when you click on it. Moving the mouse outputs higher or lower values in relation to that relative position.
1 absolute mode: In absolute mode, the live.slider object will automatically jump directly to the clicked location.
showname int
The word showname, followed by the number 1 or 0, shows or hides the parameter name.
shownumber int
The word shownumber, followed by the number 1 or 0, shows or hides the parameter value.
slidercolor float Sets the slider color of the live.slider objectin RGBA format.
textcolor float Sets the display color for the live.slider object's text in RGBA format.
tribordercolor float Sets the triangle border color in RGBA format. This is only used when the live.slider object does not have the focus.
tricolor float Sets the triangle color in RGBA format. This is only used when the live.slider object does not have the focus.
trioncolor float Sets the triangle color in RGBA format. This is only used when the live.slider object does have the focus.

Information about attributes available for Parameter-aware objects

Information for box attributes common to all objects


float: Out right outlet: when an output is triggered, a raw normalized value (between 0. and 1.) is sent out this outlet.
int/float: Out left outlet: Numbers received in the inlet or produced by clicking or dragging on live.slider with the mouse are sent out the outlet. The value sent is an integer if the Parameter Type is set to INT or ENUM.


See Also

Name Description
live.numbox Display and output a number
live.dial Output numbers by moving a dial onscreen
Output numbers by moving a slider onscreen