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Set background color


The bgcolor object's functionality is equivalent to the brgb message of the thispatcher object, and is a convenient way to set the background color using a single object rather than a combination of loadbang, message, and thispatcher objects.


Name Type Opt Description
RGB list (0-255) list opt A list of three numbers in the range 0-255 sets the background color of the patcher in RGB format.


bang A bang will reset the patcher's background to the RGB values most currently received by bgcolor.
int red (0 through 255) [int]
In left inlet: a number in the range 0-255 sets the red value of the patcher.
  (inlet1) green (0 through 255) [int]
In 2nd inlet to the right: a number in the range 0-255 sets the green value of the patcher.
  (inlet2) blue (0 through 255) [int]
In 3rd inlet to the right: a number in the range 0-255 sets the blue value of the patcher.
list RGB list (0 through 255) [list]
A list of three numbers in the range 0-255 sets the background color of the patcher in RGB format.
set RGB list (0 through 255) [list]
The word set followed by a list of three numbers in the range 0-255 sets the background color of the patcher in RGB format.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


(Visual): The background color of the patcher is set.


See Also

Name Description
thispatcher Send messages to a patcher