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Setting Interface preferences
The Interface pane of the Max Preferences window lets you set a number of preferences that affect how you work with Max.
All Windows Active
By default, only Max objects in the frontmost window can respond to mouse clicks, and any other windows must be clicked on to bring them to the foreground. When the All Windows Active checkbox in the Interface pane is checked, Max objects in background windows will respond to the mouse, but you'll need to either click on the title bar or choose the window's name from the Max Window menu to bring it to the foreground.
You can only type numbers into one of the Max number box objects if the window in which the number box is located is in the foreground. However, keystrokes on your computer keyboard will be sent out the outlets of any key, keyup, or modifiers object in any loaded patch or subpatch regardless of the All Windows Active setting.

Setting image resolution preferences
Several Max objects (jit.qt.grab, jit.dx.grab, jit.qt.movie) allow you to save loaded image files or individual frames of a Jitter matrix. You can set a preference for the default resolution for any image files you save.

Setting a default image resolution

Displaying floating-point numbers
The way floating-point numbers are stored on your computer means that not all numbers can be represented. This means that you will often see values such as 2.3 displayed as 2.29999. Clicking in the Float Display Correction checkbox will make the Max application round numbers and truncates them at what it guesses is the least significant digit.
Setting file saving preferences
By default, the Max application will automatically save any previously created patcher file in its original location without reminding you of what that location is. If you would like to be gently reminded of a file's current location every time you save it, click in the Save Dialog Shows File Location checkbox in the Interface pane.