a quick tutorial video on how to create an impulse response

Pierre Alexandre Tremblay's icon

Pierre Alexandre Tremblay

12月 12 2012 | 2:55 午後

Dear all

Thanks to Rodrigo Constanzo we have the first video tutorial of how to use and abuse the fruit of the HIRT (the HISS Impulse Response Toolbox). This time round, it is the basic use of capturing an impulse response with some of the tools for MaxMSP.

Feel free to watch it here:

The paper and all the externals are still available here:

Let us know what you think!


ps for those who prefer youtube, it will soon be up there too!

Anthony Palomba's icon

Anthony Palomba

12月 12 2012 | 4:52 午後

This is a great video! I am looking forward to seeing more,
especially room correction.

I would also love to see some videos on using these
tools to create new timbres. For example live instruments
convolved with interesting sounds.

Pierre Alexandre Tremblay's icon

Pierre Alexandre Tremblay

12月 12 2012 | 6:45 午後

thanks for the props. Now on YouTube if you prefer ;-)

brendan mccloskey's icon

brendan mccloskey

12月 12 2012 | 9:14 午後


and I n00bishly thought [yafr] was all I needed. Excellent work guys.

Want, want, want


Pierre Alexandre Tremblay's icon

Pierre Alexandre Tremblay

12月 13 2012 | 9:17 午前

thanks. Would anyone fancy having the patch posted here?

alistair macdonald's icon

alistair macdonald

12月 13 2012 | 10:58 午前

Yes please I'd love the patch from the video. Great, clear presentation; and great externals.

LiamCormacGould's icon


12月 13 2012 | 11:50 午前

This is very cool guys, good workings!

Rodrigo's icon


12月 13 2012 | 2:29 午後

Howdie all.

Definitely more tutorial vids coming. The next one will be speaker/room correction stuff, and a couple down the road will be creative and non-linear convolution stuff.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Here's the patch:

alistair macdonald's icon

alistair macdonald

12月 13 2012 | 2:40 午後


sidora's icon


11月 13 2015 | 5:23 午後

Trying to figure out how to extract the IR into a stereo wav file to be used in other plugins (like max 4 live Convolution Reverb Pro). Cant figure it out :(

mrhay's icon


11月 28 2015 | 1:36 午前

That's what I would be very interested in as well. I'm going to check out the patches now and see what gives. I need a handy IR creation thingy, since buying Altiverb is just out of the question for me right now and you can basically do anything with Max if you try hard enough... Any tips from the smart people, on how to extract a stereo .wav ? :)

mrhay's icon


11月 29 2015 | 7:33 午前

Ok Sidora, I made an OS X .app which I hope does what you want it to. You should be able to just run this and work away without even having to boot Max, and save .AIFF's as you go along. It's merely an adaptation of the Max4Live patch which is included with Live and %99.99999 of the credit should not go to me. But rather the HISS crew at The University of Huddersfield.

Let me know what you think and the download link is towards the bottom of my post .

Thanks guys.


chachaching's icon


7月 07 2017 | 3:52 午後

This patch is cool and simple but alas I am a confused whether Irmeasure should be filling the buffer for the references or I have to record separately into the buffers from my microphone? When I run the patch the buffers do not fill. Thanks

Jaky's icon


10月 18 2019 | 4:42 午後

Reviving an ancient topic.
I want to create ambisonic IRs for an ambisonic convolution reverb.
The process of using the HISS tools (irmeasure) in real time and then converting the IRs to b format is pretty straight forward = no problem here.
What really is giving me problems is post processing of recorded material. Due to time issues I recorded sweeps through an ambi mic (ch 1,2,3,4), and wanted to do the IR creation in post, BUT... I can easily deconvolve the recorded files with buffconvolve, but this gives me very long files, which do not work well as IRs. So the question would be, which best practice with the HISS toolbox to extract an IR from an already recorded file (same sweep of course = having the reference sweep)??? Any insight would be very very helpful .

thanks, also an "I have no idea" is appreciated :-)

Roman Thilenius's icon

Roman Thilenius

10月 18 2019 | 5:11 午後

no other idea than "use a spike instead of a sweep, then all this is easier"

Jaky's icon


10月 18 2019 | 6:28 午後

definitely worth trying. I also cropped the deconvolved resulting file to a rough estimate of the room decay time, and with a spike it is a lot easier to measure something like this too. The thing is I would love to be a bit more "scientific", let us say rigorous in the measurement .

Roman Thilenius's icon

Roman Thilenius

10月 18 2019 | 8:45 午後

of course the convolution with sweeps should end up with a file of the same lenght.

but in my opinion getting the first reflections/phase right is more interesting than a proper frequency representation, so it doesnt really matter that a spike might not give you a spectrum as clean as a sweep, especially with cheaper speakers.

as long as you know how to place stuff and dont catch a policesiren or a muezzin call with your recording all is good.

Rodrigo's icon


10月 18 2019 | 11:28 午後

It's been a while since I play with this stuff in detail, but I think irextract~ is what you're after, as you can reprocess the recorded files/sweeps with it.

Jaky's icon


10月 19 2019 | 9:25 午前

Thanks Roman for the hints.

Rodrigo thanks, I tried with irextract~ already, though being the recorded sweep of 45 sec. I keep getting an error message from irextract~ "buffer is not long enough for requested output length" (Yes I have tried changing the extracting buffer destination's length AND I have inputted the exact same parameters I have used in irmeasure ~ ).
I do get an IR, a very short output file, even if I am expecting a 5sec length, but what also puzzles me is the resulting amplitude of a sfile playing through multiconvolve, of which amplitude I need to multiply by 30 to get a decent signal output; do you suggest normalizing the IR resulting file? With the spike method (as mentioned by Roman too) I am indeed ready to go. btw I am using a quite powerful amplified speaker (meyer sound -> 136 dB spl @ 1m), not as linear as I wanted though, and an Ambeo Mic.
I am most definitely missing something.
Oh well it will be an interesting Saturday... ahahha.

thanks again

Shane Ryan's icon

Shane Ryan

1月 18 2020 | 5:33 午前

Hey everyone,

Thanks for this post. I've download the patch posted by Rodrigo (thanks) but I can't figure out how to actually play and record the sweep. On my machine nothing happens once I've set the sweep settings. I'm puzzled. Any help much appreciated.



Rodrigo's icon


1月 18 2020 | 8:46 午前

Hmm. If you hit that bang in the top left (with the Sweep settings), you should see a bunch of stuff happening and depending on how you have your audio configured, you should hear it too.