ANN: Quaternion objects for max

Graham Wakefield's icon

Hi all,

I've just uploaded a set of quaternion helper objects for Max. You
can find more info here:

OSX (UB) and Windows.




Quaternion helper objects. Convert between quaternion, Euler,
cartesian and axis/angle representations.

"Represent, store and transform a quaternion"
"The mul messsage, with a quaternion argument, rotates the stored
quaternion by the argument. bang outputs the stored value. reset sets
it to zero rotation. quat takes an optional int argument - how often
quaternions are normalized. Reduce to improve object efficiency, but
increase to avoid floating point error creeping into the angles.
Default every 30 operations."

Convert an axis/angle rotation (e.g. the output of to

Convert Euler rotations (azimuth/elevation/tilt or heading/attitude/
bank or yaw/pitch/roll) to quaternion

Convert quaternion to axis/angle rotation (e.g. most rotate

Select a unit vector in the quaternion rotation
quat2car returns a unit vector representing a principal axis of the
rotation, which can be useful to accumulate positions of moving
objects for example. Argument 'x', 'y', 'z, '-x', '-y' or '-z'
specifies which axis is the 'front'

Convert quaternion to Euler angles (azimuth/elevation/tilt or heading/
attitude/bank or yaw/pitch/roll). NOTE: there is a loss of
information in the conversion from quaternion to Euler angles. This
behaviour is matched by the original Shoemake algorithm.

Rotate a cartesian point by a quaternion

pascal's icon

Very nice ...but no permission to download the file ..I'd love to test .

Graham Wakefield's icon

OK, sorry about the dl permissions, seems to be a general problem on
our server these days. You should be able to download them now.



On May 23, 2007, at 1:30 PM, Graham Wakefield wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've just uploaded a set of quaternion helper objects for Max. You
> can find more info here:
> OSX (UB) and Windows.
> Enjoy!
> Graham
> -
> Quaternion helper objects. Convert between quaternion, Euler,
> cartesian and axis/angle representations.
> quat
> "Represent, store and transform a quaternion"
> "The mul messsage, with a quaternion argument, rotates the stored
> quaternion by the argument. bang outputs the stored value. reset
> sets it to zero rotation. quat takes an optional int argument - how
> often quaternions are normalized. Reduce to improve object
> efficiency, but increase to avoid floating point error creeping
> into the angles. Default every 30 operations."
> axis2quat
> Convert an axis/angle rotation (e.g. the output of
> to quaternion
> euler2quat
> Convert Euler rotations (azimuth/elevation/tilt or heading/attitude/
> bank or yaw/pitch/roll) to quaternion
> quat2axis
> Convert quaternion to axis/angle rotation (e.g. most rotate
> arguments)
> quat2car
> Select a unit vector in the quaternion rotation
> quat2car returns a unit vector representing a principal axis of the
> rotation, which can be useful to accumulate positions of moving
> objects for example. Argument 'x', 'y', 'z, '-x', '-y' or '-z'
> specifies which axis is the 'front'
> quat2euler
> Convert quaternion to Euler angles (azimuth/elevation/tilt or
> heading/attitude/bank or yaw/pitch/roll). NOTE: there is a loss of
> information in the conversion from quaternion to Euler angles. This
> behaviour is matched by the original Shoemake algorithm.
> quatpov
> Rotate a cartesian point by a

grrr waaa

Graham Wakefield's icon

OK, sorry about the dl permissions, seems to be a general problem on
our server these days. You should be able to download them now.



On May 23, 2007, at 1:30 PM, Graham Wakefield wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've just uploaded a set of quaternion helper objects for Max. You
> can find more info here:
> OSX (UB) and Windows.
> Enjoy!
> Graham
> -
> Quaternion helper objects. Convert between quaternion, Euler,
> cartesian and axis/angle representations.
> quat
> "Represent, store and transform a quaternion"
> "The mul messsage, with a quaternion argument, rotates the stored
> quaternion by the argument. bang outputs the stored value. reset
> sets it to zero rotation. quat takes an optional int argument - how
> often quaternions are normalized. Reduce to improve object
> efficiency, but increase to avoid floating point error creeping
> into the angles. Default every 30 operations."
> axis2quat
> Convert an axis/angle rotation (e.g. the output of
> to quaternion
> euler2quat
> Convert Euler rotations (azimuth/elevation/tilt or heading/attitude/
> bank or yaw/pitch/roll) to quaternion
> quat2axis
> Convert quaternion to axis/angle rotation (e.g. most rotate
> arguments)
> quat2car
> Select a unit vector in the quaternion rotation
> quat2car returns a unit vector representing a principal axis of the
> rotation, which can be useful to accumulate positions of moving
> objects for example. Argument 'x', 'y', 'z, '-x', '-y' or '-z'
> specifies which axis is the 'front'
> quat2euler
> Convert quaternion to Euler angles (azimuth/elevation/tilt or
> heading/attitude/bank or yaw/pitch/roll). NOTE: there is a loss of
> information in the conversion from quaternion to Euler angles. This
> behaviour is matched by the original Shoemake algorithm.
> quatpov
> Rotate a cartesian point by a
> jitter mailing list

grrr waaa

pelado's icon

I've just noticed this post - a bit slow I know, but it seems that permissions for the server are still denying access. Is there anywhere else that it can be downloaded from?



Graham Wakefield's icon

Sorry - due to a change of policy at the ISP. Here's the full address: should be updated now.

On Jul 16, 2007, at 3:46 PM, pelado wrote:

> I've just noticed this post - a bit slow I know, but it seems that
> permissions for the server are still denying access. Is there
> anywhere else that it can be downloaded from?
> Thanks
> pelado

grrr waaa

pelado's icon

downloaded without problems. thanks very much for releasing these.


lists@lowfrequency.or's icon

Hmmm... I've done nearly the same thing, except luckily slightly different. I have a set of quaternion objects for adding, multiplying, and converting to rotation messages, but I hadn't released them yet because I hadn't done the help files. So now I have, for the most part. They depend heavily on the Jitter quaternion and vector functions, so they are not technically open-source, but here they are with source code nonetheless:

lists@lowfrequency.or's icon

Oh no, I misread. We've done mostly the same thing, and you've even done a bit more. Oh well, it was a good programming exercise!