Import live feed into Jitter?

betseybiggs's icon

Hey all,

I'm trying to read a video feed hosted on livestream into Max. It seems a simple 'read' should do the trick, but it doesn't seem to be working. I know this should be simple. I'm wondering though, if the fact that the source is streaming a SWF (flash movie) is behind my troubles, and if there is an easy fix for this.

I've figured out how to use jweb and jit.desktop to get a jitter matrix out. However, it seems incredibly inefficient. I'm only getting about 5fps even without a jit.window display. Does reading a non-swf streaming URL provide much better speeds than this?

I'm streaming from this site: - there are feeds at various times, though the URL i'm trying to stream is this one:

Thanks for any advice!

betseybiggs's icon

I've uploaded the patch I'm using now that crops the jweb feed and turns it into a matrix via jit.desktop, in case anyone has further suggestions (or if it might help someone down the road).

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.


umma08's icon

any help would be great on this for me as well. I am not sure if jit.desktop is the best way to do this. There must be someone who knows a better way?