routepass for Max5
I'm using a software which was built in Max6 and includes the "routepass" object. This object is not available in Max5. Does anyone know of an equivalent object/external for Max5? Or, can anyone aide me in creating an abstraction that has the same functionality?
I would always use xroute pre-max6. (mac) (windows)
a simple abstraction for routepass, using [zl slice], [zl join], and the all-important [trigger]:
Here's another method. You can use it as an object with a single argument (the selector), or you can set the selector with a "set ____" message. One could implement scripting to handle multiple arguments (defining selectors), but I'm not gonna bother here :)
or just double the first item before send to [route]
one more object, but more easy to patch :-)
can anyone aide me in creating an abstraction that has the same functionality?
For a piece of code to be an abstraction it must have some way with communicating/interacting with objects outside of it, e.g. inlets/outlets.
To have the same functionality as [routepass] it must have at least one definable selector (using arguments or with a 'set' message) and be able to pass unmatched messages (unchanged) out the right outlet.
The other solutions here may work for very specific scenarios, but they do not satisfy OP's criteria. I will admit that my solution is also limited (to a single selector), but one can still perform the exact same function as [routepass] by linking several of them together.
*EDIT: fixed a couple things in my previous code...
EDIT2: here's another version that has multiple selectors: