routepass for Max5

savethecircus's icon

I'm using a software which was built in Max6 and includes the "routepass" object. This object is not available in Max5. Does anyone know of an equivalent object/external for Max5? Or, can anyone aide me in creating an abstraction that has the same functionality?

David Beaudry's icon
seejayjames's icon
Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

a simple abstraction for routepass, using [zl slice], [zl join], and the all-important [trigger]:

terenceformer's icon
Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Here's another method. You can use it as an object with a single argument (the selector), or you can set the selector with a "set ____" message. One could implement scripting to handle multiple arguments (defining selectors), but I'm not gonna bother here :)

toma's icon
Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

or just double the first item before send to [route]
one more object, but more easy to patch :-)

terenceformer's icon

can anyone aide me in creating an abstraction that has the same functionality?

For a piece of code to be an abstraction it must have some way with communicating/interacting with objects outside of it, e.g. inlets/outlets.
To have the same functionality as [routepass] it must have at least one definable selector (using arguments or with a 'set' message) and be able to pass unmatched messages (unchanged) out the right outlet.

The other solutions here may work for very specific scenarios, but they do not satisfy OP's criteria. I will admit that my solution is also limited (to a single selector), but one can still perform the exact same function as [routepass] by linking several of them together.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

*EDIT: fixed a couple things in my previous code...

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

EDIT2: here's another version that has multiple selectors: