spatium · tools for sound spatialization
The spatialization mixing engines (spatium·ambi & spatium·vbap) were made using Max, the project includes new max objects and downloadable collectives, along with all the sources.
Hello ! Can I use this with Digital Performer ?
Does it also have HRTFs or ist it just the spatial sound with time differences between each ear?
Sorry for this late reply, only saw the two questions today...
@Marcel Jacques: yes, you can use spatium with whatever setup you want and the plugins should work with Digital Performer, but I haven't tested them, so please tell me if they did!
@justGoscha: yes, the binaural is done via convolution with MIT's HRTF Measurements - -, but in 2D only and with a not-so-flattering sound. I plan to address that in the future.