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Shift all bits to the left


<< has the effect of multiplying a number by a power of two, but is less expensive in computer time.


Name Type Opt Description
initial-value int opt Sets an initial value for the number of bits by which to shift leftward.


bang In left inlet: Performs the bit-shift with the numbers currently stored. If there is no argument, << initially holds 0 as the number of bits by which to shift.
int input [int]
In left inlet: All bits of the number, in binary form, are shifted to the left by a certain number of bits. The resulting number is sent out the outlet.
  (inlet1) amount-of-bitshift [int]
In right inlet: The number is stored as the number of bits to left-shift the number in the left inlet.
float input [float]
Converted to int.
set set-input [int]
Sets input to the object without causing output (bang will output it).
list input [list]
In left inlet: The first number is bit-shifted to the left by the number of bits specified by the second number.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


int: The number in the left inlet is bit-shifted to the left by a certain number of bits. The number of bits by which to shift is specified by the number in the right inlet. The output is the resulting bit-shifted number.


Same effect as multiplying by a power of 2

See Also

Name Description
* Multiply two numbers, output the result
>> Shift all bits to the right