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Cascaded series of biquad filters


cascade~ takes a signal and filters it by a series of two-pole, two-zero (i.e. biquad) filters, often referred to as "second order sections".




list filter-coefficients (sets of five-per-biquad) [list]
In right inlet: The filter coefficients can be provided as a list in the left inlet. The coefficients should be in sets of five, each set corresponding to a second-order section or biquad. The first five coefficients in the list are used for the first second-order section in the series, the next five for the second, and so on.
clear Resets all coefficients and sample-memory to 0.
bypass operational-flag (0 or nonzero) [int]
The word bypass followed by a nonzero number will turn bypass mode on and cause the dry unfiltered signal to pass through to the object's outlet; followed by a 0 will output the filtered signal.
signal In left inlet: Signal to be filtered. The signal is filtered by a series of two-pole two-zero (i.e. biquad) filters, often referred to as "second order sections".
zero operational-flag (0 or nonzero) [int]
The word zero followed by a nonzero number will cause the filtered signal to be muted; followed by a 0 will output the filtered signal (this will not prevent the unfiltered signal from appearing at the outlet when bypass mode is turned on).

Information for box attributes common to all objects


signal: The filtered signal.


Use cascade~ with filtergraph~ in multi-filter mode to efficiently process a complex parametric filter

See Also

Name Description
biquad~ Two-pole, two-zero filter
buffir~ buffer-based FIR filter
comb~ Comb filter
filtergraph~ Graphical filter editor
lores~ Resonant lowpass filter
onepole~ Single-pole lowpass filter
reson~ Resonant bandpass filter
teeth~ Comb filter with feedforward and feedback delay control