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Wrap a signal between π and -π


phasewrap~ will simply take any input signal and wrap it between π and -π values.




signal The signal to be wrapped. If the input signal value exceeds π (3.14159), the output signal value is "wrapped" to a range whose lower bound is -π (-3.14159). Thus a signal of increasing value outputs a sawtooth waveform with -π and π as lower and upper values.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


signal: The wrapped input signal value.


Use phasewrap~ to make sure that signals stay within normal radial values

See Also

Name Description
cartopol~ Signal Cartesian to Polar coordinate conversion
pfft~ Spectral processing manager for patchers
pong~ Variable range signal folding
MSP Tutorial 26: Frequency Domain Signal Processing with pfft~ MSP Tutorial 26: Frequency Domain Signal Processing with pfft~