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The Documentation Window
The documentation window permits you to read, search, and navigate Max's documentation resources.
At the top of the documentation window is a search field.
Documentation Window Toolbar
At the bottom of the documentation window is a toolbar that lets you navigate through the documentation.
The Show Previous Page button is the same thing as a Back button in a web browser.
The Show Next Page button is the same thing as a Forward button in a web browser.
The Documentation Home button displays the Max 5 documentation home page, the entry point for all documentation resources.
The Contents button displays a menu that lists all documents in the same category as the one you are currently viewing. For example, for the document you are currently reading right now, you will see all of the Vignettes. If you were reading a Max tutorial, you would see all of the Max tutorials. Note: On the Mac, if you do not select something in the Contents menu, you need to click in the documentation window toolbar to get rid of the menu.
The Open Patcher button will open:
If the Open Patcher button is not enabled, there is no patcher associated with the currently displayed reference document.
The Open Online Version button will launch a web browser and display the online version of the page you are viewing residing on the Cycling '74 web site. Using this link is helpful when you want to copy text from a reference page, print a page of the documentation, or change the size of the text.