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Object Defaults
When you launch Max, the colors for all Max objects are set to default values. You can change the look of individual objects using the object's Inspector, and you can use the Patcher Inspector to set the background color for a patcher window in both its locked and unlocked states.
Max also allows you to change the default settings of a large number of Max objects using the Object Defaults window. These object default settings are recalled each time you launch Max. You can use the Object Defaults window to customize the look of your copy of Max, and to maintain a consistent look across Max patches.
Note: Although the Object Defaults window lists a large number of default preferences for Max objects, it does not list them all. You can use the object prototype feature to create customized versions of any UI objects not listed in the Object Defaults window and maintain a consistent look to your patches.

The Object Defaults Window
The Object Defaults Window includes of a set of tabs you can use to change what is displayed in the window, and a listing of all the settings associated with all Max objects.
Object Defaults Tabs
All shows the settings for all objects.
Patcher shows features associated with the Patcher window, such as background and patch cord colors.
Object-specific settings are found under the tabs identified with icons as seen in the object palette. Move the mouse over a tab to see the object's name.
Changing a default value for an object

As you change a color, you'll notice that it will change in any open patcher windows containing the object whose defaults you are modifying.

Restoring the original default value for an object

Saving a set of object defaults
Your new color set will be added to the pop-up menu you see when you click on the Load Settings button.

Loading a set of object defaults

Reverting to the default object colors

Normally, when you save a patch, the current default colors are not stored. Instead, no value is stored for a color if it is set to the default value. This has the effect of making files smaller as well as making it possible to apply your default colors not just to new patches, but to patches you made in the past or patches you get from other people. However, if you really want specific colors in a patch, you can save all object attributes, whether they are set to the current default value or not.
Insulating a patch from the effect of object defaults