Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Ct_atomAn atom is a typed datum
 Ct_atomarrayThe atomarray object
 Ct_atombufThe atombuf struct provides a way to pass a collection of atoms
 Ct_attrCommon attr struct
 Ct_bufferData structure for the buffer~ object
 Ct_buffer_infoCommon buffer~ data/metadata
 Ct_celldescA dataview cell description
 Ct_charset_converterThe charset_converter object
 Ct_classThe data structure for a Max class
 Ct_datetimeThe Systime data structure
 Ct_dictionaryThe dictionary object
 Ct_dictionary_entryA dictionary entry
 Ct_exprStruct for an instance of expr
 Ct_fileinfoInformation about a file
 Ct_funbuffThe structure of a funbuff object
 Ct_hashtabThe hashtab object
 Ct_hashtab_entryA hashtab entry
 Ct_indexmapAn indexmap object
 Ct_indexmap_entryAn indexmap element
 Ct_jboxThe t_jbox struct provides the header for a Max user-interface object
 Ct_jboxdrawparamsThe t_jboxdrawparams structure
 Ct_jcolumnA dataview column
 Ct_jdataviewThe dataview object
 Ct_jgraphics_font_extentsA structure for holding information related to how much space the rendering of a given font will use
 Ct_jit_attrCommon attribute struct
 Ct_jit_attr_filter_clipT_jit_attr_filter_clip object struct
 Ct_jit_attr_filter_procT_jit_attr_filter_proc object struct
 Ct_jit_attr_offsetT_jit_attr_offset object struct
 Ct_jit_attr_offset_arrayT_jit_attr_offset_array object struct
 Ct_jit_attributeT_jit_attribute object struct
 Ct_jit_gl_context_viewT_jit_gl_context_view object struct
 Ct_jit_gl_drawinfoT_jit_gl_drawinfo struct used for tasks such as multi texture unit binding
 Ct_jit_glchunkT_jit_glchunk is a public structure to store one gl-command's-worth of data, in a format which can be passed easily to glDrawRangeElements, and matrixoutput
 Ct_jit_matrix_infoMatrix information struct
 Ct_jit_mopT_jit_mop object struct
 Ct_jit_mop_ioT_jit_mop_io object struct
 Ct_jit_op_infoProvides base pointer and stride for vector operator functions
 Ct_jmatrixAn affine transformation (such as scale, shear, etc)
 Ct_jrgbA color composed of red, green, and blue components
 Ct_jrgbaA color composed of red, green, blue, and alpha components
 Ct_line_3dLine or line segment in 3D space (GLfloat)
 Ct_linklistThe linklist object
 Ct_llelemA linklist element
 Ct_matrix_conv_infoMatrix conversion struct
 Ct_messlistA list of symbols and their corresponding methods, complete with typechecking information
 Ct_objectThe structure for the head of any object which wants to have inlets or outlets, or support attributes
 Ct_package_fileA container for a path/filename pair, together with additional meta fields for special cases
 Ct_pathThe path data structure
 Ct_pathlinkThe pathlink data structure
 Ct_pfftpubPublic FFT Patcher struct
 Ct_privatesortrecUsed to pass data to a client sort function
 Ct_ptCoordinates for specifying a point
 Ct_pxdataCommon struct for MSP objects
 Ct_pxjboxHeader for any ui signal processing object
 Ct_pxobjectHeader for any non-ui signal processing object
 Ct_quickmapThe quickmap object
 Ct_rectCoordinates for specifying a rectangular region
 Ct_signalThe signal data structure
 Ct_sizeCoordinates for specifying the size of a region
 Ct_stringThe string object
 Ct_symbolThe symbol
 Ct_symobjectThe symobject data structure
 Ct_tinyobjectThe tiny object structure sits at the head of any object to which you may pass messages (and which you may feed to freeobject())
 Ct_wind_mouse_infoT_wind_mouse_info_struct provided by jit.window and jit.pwindow mouse events
 Ct_zllA simple doubly-linked list used by the t_funbuff object
 CwordUnion for packing any of the datum defined in e_max_atomtypes
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