Max API  8.0.2
Here is a list of all modules:
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 AttributesAn attribute of an object is a setting or property that tells the object how to do its job
 ClassesWhen a user types the name of your object into an object box, Max looks for an external of this name in the searchpath and, upon finding it, loads the bundle or dll and calls the ext_main() function
 Old-Style Classes
 Inlets and OutletsRoutines for creating and communicating with inlets and outlets
 Data StorageMax provides a number of ways of storing and manipulating data at a high level
 Atom ArrayMax's atomarray object is a container for an array of atoms with an interface for manipulating that array
 DatabaseMax's database ( i.e
 DictionaryMax 5, introduced the t_dictionary structure/object
 Hash TableA hash table is a data structure that associates some data with a unique key
 Index MapAn indexmap is basically a managed array of pointers, but it allows you to derive relatively quickly the index from a pointer in the array
 Linked ListThe Max t_linklist data structure is useful for maintaining ordered lists of items where you want to be able to insert and delete items efficiently
 Quick MapA quickmap implements a pair of t_hashtab hash tables so that it is fast to look up a unique value for a unique key or vice-versa
 String ObjectMax's string object is a simple wrapper for c-strings, useful when working with Max's t_dictionary, t_linklist, or t_hashtab
 Symbol ObjectThe symobject class is a simple object that wraps a t_symbol* together with a couple of additional fields
 Dictionary Passing APIThe Dictionary Passing API defines a means by which t_dictionary instances may be passed between Max objects in a way similar to the way Jitter Matrices are passed between objects
 Data Types
 AtombufsAn Atombuf is an alternative to Binbufs for temporary storage of atoms
 BinbufsYou won’t need to know about the internal structure of a Binbuf, so you can use the void * type to refer to one
 SymbolsMax maintains a symbol table of all strings to speed lookup for message passing
 Files and FoldersThese routines assist your object in opening and saving files, as well as locating the user’s files in the Max search path
 Atom Module
 Attribute Module
 Binary Module
 Class Module
 Object Module
 Miscellaneous Utility Module
 Linked List Module
 Math Module
 Matrix Module
 Max Wrapper Module
 Memory Module
 MOP Module
 Parallel Utility Module
 MOP Max Wrapper Module
 Operator Vector Module
 Memory ManagementIn the past, Max has provided two separate APIs for memory management
 Byte OrderingUtilities for swapping the order of bytes to match the Endianness of the required platform
 Extending exprIf you want to use C-like variable expressions that are entered by a user of your object, you can use the "guts" of Max’s expr object in your object
 Table AccessYou can use these functions to access named table objects
 Text Editor WindowsMax has a simple built-in text editor object that can display and edit text in conjunction with your object
 PresetsMax contains a preset object that has the ability to send preset messages to some or all of the objects (clients) in a Patcher window
 Loading Max FilesSeveral high-level functions permit you to load patcher files
 Monitors and DisplaysFunctions for finding our information about the environment
 Mouse and Keyboard
 BuffersYour object can access shared data stored in an MSP buffer~ object
 PFFTWhen an object is instantiated, it is possible to determine if it is being created in pfft~ context in the new method
 PolyIf your object is instatiated as a voice of a poly~ object, it is possible both to determine this context and to determine information about the specific voice
 PatcherMax's patcher represents a graph of objects that communicate with messages
 jpatcherThe patcher
 jboxA box in the patcher
 jpatchlineA patch cord
 jpatcherviewA view of a patcher
 ClocksClock objects are your interface to Max’s scheduler
 QelemsYour object’s methods may be called at interrupt level
 Systime APIThe Systime API provides the means of getting the system time, instead of the scheduler time as you would with functions like gettime()
 ITM Time ObjectsITM Time Objects are a high-level interface to ITM, a tempo-based scheduler API
 ThreadsIn Max, there are several threads of execution
 Critical RegionsA critical region is a simple mechanism that prevents multiple threads from accessing at once code protected by the same critical region
 User Interface
 JGraphicsJGraphics is the API for creating user interface objects introduced with Max 5
 JSurfaceA surface is an abstract base class for something you render to
 Scalable Vector Graphics
 JGraphics Matrix TransformationsThe t_jmatrix is one way to represent a transformation
 JPatternA pattern is like a brush that is used to fill a path with
 StylesStyles provide a means by which to inherit attribute values from a patcher that are consistently used across many objects
 TextFieldThe textfield is a high-level text display object that may be used by a UI object to represent text in a patcher
 TextLayoutA textlayout is lower-level text rendering object used by higher-level entities such as TextField
 Popup MenusPopup menu API so externals can create popup menus that can also be drawn into
 Box LayerThe boxlayer functions provide way to make it easier to use cached offscreen images (layers) in your drawing
 DataViewThe jdataview object provides a mechanism to display data in a tabular format