Max API  8.2.0
Using Jitter Objects in C

When developing for Jitter in C, the functionality of pre-existing Jitter objects can be used.

In this chapter, we'll briefly examine instantation and incorporation of the features of the and jit.qt.record objects from your C code.

Example 1: the t_jit_qt_movie object

Using an object like t_jit_qt_movie from your own code is fairly straightforward. Since it's a standard Jitter object, we can use jit_object_new() and jit_object_free() for instantiation and freeing, jit_object_method() for sending messages, and jit_attr_get... and jit_attr_set... for getting and setting attributes.

For instance, in the following code snippet, we'll create a t_jit_qt_movie object, read a pre-specified movie from disk, and decompress its first frame into a matrix, set to the native size of the movie.

void jit_foo_read_first_movie_frame(
t_jit_foo *x, t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av)
void *qtmovie;
// create the t_jit_qt_movie object, sized to 1x1
qtmovie = jit_object_new(gensym("jit_qt_movie"), 1, 1);
if (qtmovie) {
t_atom rv; // will contain rvarr, with any return values
// from our "read" call
t_object *rvarr; // the t_atomarray with the actual
// return values
// turn off autostart
jit_attr_setlong(qtmovie, gensym("autostart"), 0);
// read the movie, just pass in the args to our function
object_method_typed(qtmovie, gensym("read"), ac, av, &rv);
// check the return value & verify that the movie loaded
if (rvarr = jit_atom_getobj(&rv)) {
long rvac = 0;
t_atom *rvav = NULL;
object_getvalueof(rvarr, &rvac, &rvav);
if (rvac && rvav) {
// just as in Max, we get a list: "filename success";
// success of 1 means the read was successful
if (rvac > 1 && jit_atom_getlong(rvav + 1)) {
long dim[2];
void *matrix;
// get our movie's native dims
jit_attr_getlong_array(qtmovie, gensym("movie_dim"),
2, dim);
// set the t_jit_qt_movie's dim to match
// set our matrix up to match
info.planecount = 4;
info.dimcount = 2;
info.dim[0] = dim[0];
info.dim[1] = dim[1];
matrix = jit_object_new(_jit_sym_jit_matrix, &info);
if (matrix) {
// call the t_jit_qt_movie's matrix_calc method
// with our matrix as an argument
err = (t_jit_err)jit_object_method(qtmovie,
_jit_sym_matrix_calc, NULL, matrix);
if (err != JIT_ERR_NONE) {
error("something went wrong");
// do something with the matrix
// free the matrix
freebytes(rvav, sizeof(t_atom) * rvac);
void * jit_atom_getobj(t_atom *a)
Retrieves atom value as object pointer.
Definition: jit.atom.c:138
t_atom_long jit_atom_getlong(t_atom *a)
Retrieves atom value as long integer.
Definition: jit.atom.c:90
long jit_attr_getlong_array(void *x, t_symbol *s, long max, t_atom_long *vals)
Retrieves attribute value as an array of long integer values.
Definition: jit.attribute.util.c:186
t_jit_err jit_attr_setlong(void *x, t_symbol *s, t_atom_long c)
Sets attribute value as a long integer value.
Definition: jit.attribute.util.c:70
void freeobject(void *op)
Release the memory used by a Max object.
void error(C74_CONST char *fmt,...)
Print an error to the Max window.
JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol * _jit_sym_char
cached t_symbol
Definition: jit.symbols.h:25
JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol * _jit_sym_matrix_calc
cached t_symbol
Definition: jit.symbols.h:81
JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol * _jit_sym_jit_matrix
cached t_symbol
Definition: jit.symbols.h:40
JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol * _jit_sym_dim
cached t_symbol
Definition: jit.symbols.h:35
t_jit_err jit_matrix_info_default(t_jit_matrix_info *info)
Initializes matrix info struct to default values.
Definition: jit.matrix.c:833
void freebytes(void *b, t_getbytes_size size)
Free memory allocated with getbytes().
t_max_err object_method_typed(void *x, t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av, t_atom *rv)
Sends a type-checked message to an object.
t_max_err object_getvalueof(void *x, long *ac, t_atom **av)
Retrieves the value of an object which supports the getvalueof/setvalueof interface.
t_jit_err jit_object_free(void *x)
Frees an object.
t_symbol * gensym(C74_CONST char *s)
Given a C-string, fetch the matching t_symbol pointer from the symbol table, generating the symbol if...
An atom is a typed datum.
Definition: ext_mess.h:323
Matrix information struct.
Definition: jit.common.h:116
dimension sizes
Definition: jit.common.h:121
long planecount
number of planes
Definition: jit.common.h:123
long dimcount
number of dimensions
Definition: jit.common.h:120
t_symbol * type
primitifve type (char, long, float32, or float64)
Definition: jit.common.h:118
The structure for the head of any object which wants to have inlets or outlets, or support attributes...
Definition: ext_mess.h:191
The symbol.
Definition: ext_mess.h:102

Naturally, we could also set the t_jit_qt_movie object's time attribute, or call its or frame method, to recall an arbitrary point in time. In fact, nearly every documented method and attribute of the object, as it functions in the Max interface, is available from C. The exceptions are those functions implemented in the Max wrapper object, such as framedump.