Max API  8.2.0
Advanced Signal Object Topics

Here are some techniques for implementing additional features found in most signal objects.

Saving Internal State

To implement unit generators such as filters and ramp generators, you need to save internal state between calls to your object's perform routine. Here is a very simple low-pass filter (it just averages successive samples) that saves the value of the last sample in a vector to be averaged with the first sample of the next vector. First we add a field to our data structure to hold the value:

typedef struct _myfilter
t_pxobject f_obj;
double f_sample;
} t_myfilter;
Header for any non-ui signal processing object.
Definition: z_dsp.h:65

Then, in our dsp method, we pass a pointer to the object as one of the DSP chain arguments. The dsp method also initializes the value of the internal state, to avoid any noise when the audio starts.

void myfilter_dsp64(t_myfilter *x, t_object *dsp64, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, myfilter_perform64, 0, NULL);
x->f_sample = 0.0;
void * object_method(void *x, t_symbol *s,...)
Sends an untyped message to an object.
t_symbol * gensym(C74_CONST char *s)
Given a C-string, fetch the matching t_symbol pointer from the symbol table, generating the symbol if...
The structure for the head of any object which wants to have inlets or outlets, or support attributes...
Definition: ext_mess.h:191

Here is the perform routine, which obtains the internal state before entering the processing loop, then stores the most recent value after the loop is finished.

void myfilter_perform64(t_myfilter *x, t_object *dsp64, double **ins, long numins, double **outs, long numouts, long sampleframes, long flags, void *userparam)
double *in = ins[0]; // first inlet
double *out = outs[0]; // first outlet
int n = sampleframes; // vector size
double samp = x->f_sample; // read from internal state
double val;
while (n--) {
val = *in++;
*out++ = (val + samp) * 0.5;
samp = val;
x->f_sample = samp; // save to internal state

Using Connection Information

The third argument to the dsp method is an array of numbers that enumerate the number of objects connected to each of your objects inputs and outputs. More advanced dsp methods can use this information for optimization purposes. For example, if you find that your object has no inputs or outputs, you could avoid calling 'dsp_add64' altogether. The MSP signal operator objects (such as +~ and *~) use this to implement a basic polymorphism: they look at the connections count to determine whether the perform routine should use scalar or signal inputs. For example, if the right input has no connected signals, the user can add a scalar value sent to the right inlet.

To implement this behavior, you have a few different options. The first option is to write two different perform methods, one which handles the two-signal case, and one which handles the scalar case. The dsp method looks at the count array and passes a different function to dsp_add64.

if (count[1]) // signal connected to second inlet
object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, mydspobject_twosigperform64, 0, NULL);
object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, mydspobject_scalarperform64, 0, NULL);

The second option is to store the value of the count array for a particular signal in your object's struct. Then the perform method can make the decision whether to use the signal value or a scalar value that has been stored by the object. In this case, many objects use a single sample value from the signal as a substitute for the scalar. Using the first sample (i.e., the value at index 0) is a technique that works for any vector size, since vector sizes could be as small as a single sample. Here is an example of this technique for an object that has two inputs and one output. The connection count for the right input signal is stored in a struct member named m_count:

x->m_count = count[1];
object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, mydspobject_perform64, 0, NULL);

Here is a perform routine that uses the connection count information as passed in the format shown above:

void mydspobject_perform64(t_mydspobject *x, t_object *dsp64, double **ins, long numins, double **outs, long numouts, long sampleframes, long flags, void *userparam)
t_mydspobject *x = (t_mydspobject *)w[1];
int connected = x->m_count;
double *in = ins[0];
double *in2 = ins[1];
double *out = outs[0];
int n = sampleframes;
double in2value;
// get scalar sample or use signal depending on whether signal is connected
in2value = connected ? *in2 : x->m_scalarvalue;
// do calculation here
// ...

Working with Buffer Objects

To access a named buffer~ object for either reading or writing sample values, refer to the Buffers reference.