Max 5 API Reference

Example Projects


file  attrtester.c

attrtester - a max object shell jeremy bernstein - [email protected]

file  collect.cpp

collect - collect numbers and operate on them.

file  dbcuelist.c

dbcuelist - demonstrate use of a sqlite database

file  dbviewer.c

dbviewer - demonstrate use of database views for sqlite and jdataview

file  delay2.c

delay2 - an ITM-based delay

file  dspstress~.c

dspstress~ - very simple msp object that does nothing except eat up a specified % of processor time

file  dummy.c

dummy - a dummy object jeremy bernstein - [email protected]

file  filebyte.c

filebyte - similar to filein.

file  iterate2.c

iterate2 - object that iterates through a patcher and its subpatchers jeremy bernstein - [email protected]

file  iterator.c

iterator - patch iterator jeremy bernstein - [email protected]

file  linky.c

linky - Demonstrates functions of the t_linklist object.

file  pictmeter~.c

pictmeter~ - audio meter that works by resizing an image

file  plussz.c

plussz.c - one of the simplest max objects you can make -rdd 2001 (plussz is/was the name of a Hungarian vitamin C tablet-drink from the early 90s)

file  plussz2.c

plussz2.c - a version of plussz2 that demonstrates the use of proxy inlets.

file  plussz~.c

plussz~ - a very simple example of a basic MSP object

file  scripto.c

scripto - patcher scripting from C example scripto makes a custom UI object and then puts it in a window -- so it is similar to the old "kalim" example

file  sheep.c

sheep - demonstrates object registration and notification, and some hashtab techniques for use with the "shepherd" object jeremy bernstein - [email protected]

file  shepherd.c

shepherd - demonstrates object registration and notification, and some hashtab techniques for use with the "sheep" object jeremy bernstein - [email protected]

file  jit.simple.cpp

jit.simple - simple example of a Jitter external + multiplies an incoming matrix by a constant + demonstrates some oft-requested example code for using C++ in an extern

file  max.jit.simple.c

max.jit.simple - simple example of a Jitter external multiplies an incoming matrix by a constant

file  jit.simple~.cpp

max.jit.simple~ - simple example of an MSP+Jitter combination external.

file  max.jit.simple~.c

jit.simple - simple example of a Jitter external multiplies an incoming matrix by a constant

file  simplejs.c

simplejs - a max object used as a JavaScript class

file  simplemax.c

simplemax - a max object shell jeremy bernstein - [email protected]

file  simplemsp~.c

simplemsp - an MSP object shell jeremy bernstein - [email protected]

file  simpletext.c

simpletext - show use of text reading and editing

file  simpwave~.c

simpwave~ - a simple wavetable oscillator using buffer~

file  uioptimized.c

uioptimized - demonstrate the drawing of various objects using jgraphics

file  uisimp2.c

uisimp - a very simple ui object - step 4

file  uisimp3.c

uisimp - a very simple ui object - step 5

file  uisimp4.c

uisimp - a very simple ui object - step 6

file  uisimp5.c

uisimp - a very simple ui object - step 7

file  uitester.c

uitester - demonstrate the drawing of various objects using jgraphics

file  uitextfield.c

uitextfield - demonstrate the textfield with keyboard input

file  urner.c

urner - a max object shell jeremy bernstein - [email protected]

file  whosyourdaddy.c

whosyourdaddy - who's the parent patcher jeremy bernstein - [email protected]

file  windowwatcher.c

windowwatcher - Demonstrate how to get notifications about the window for a patcher in which an object exists.

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