t_jit_gl_context_view Struct Reference

t_jit_gl_context_view object struct. More...

#include <jit.gl.context.view.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for t_jit_gl_context_view:

Data Fields

t_object ob
 jitter object
long rebuild
 rebuild flag
t_jit_gl_context context
 OpenGL context.
 shared context name
t_wind_mouse_info mouse_info
 data for mouse events
t_wind_mousewheel_info mousewheel_info
 data for mouse wheel events
t_wind_key_info key_info
 data for key events
long canrebuild
 flag for whether the context can rebuild or not
long doublebuffer
 double buffer flag
long depthbuffer
 depth buffer flag
long stereo
 active stereo flag
t_jit_rect frame
 frame of context
long fsaa
 FSAA flag.
long sync
 V-sync flag.
long shared
 Shader context flag.
 Hashtab of shared context names.
long idlemouse
 Idlemouse flag (events on mouse move)
long mousewheel
 mosuewheel flag (events on mouse wheel)
void * target
 target object we're controlled by
long targettype
 target type we're controlled by
 name of the view
long reshaping
 flag for breaking cycles on reshape notification
long ownerreshape
 flag for if the owner handles reshaping the context
 patcher the context view is in (if there is one)
long freeing
 in the process of freeing flag
long creating
 in the process of creating flag

Detailed Description

t_jit_gl_context_view object struct.

Manages an OpenGL context within a rectangle. Objects that use a t_jit_gl_context_view to manage an OpenGL context should attach themselves to the object for its lifetime and implement an "update" method in order to handle modifications to the t_jit_gl_context_view that may require a rebuild or further response within the embedding object.