Starting Points in Max pt. 2
How do you get started when you begin a project in Max? We asked 3 artists working with Max to share each of their personal starting points. The results are each a unique view into Max…
Roxanne Harris
RH: This patch offers a starting point for world-building through camera movement and path animation. Here, we layer different camera scenes within one The rigged camera has three "look at" modes: (1) facing the direction of movement, (2) looking at the target (blue cube), and (3) looking at the center of the scene (purple sphere). Additionally, this patch utilizes quaternions to calculate rotational movement around the path, producing the yellow spiral. Feel free to play around with variables!
Matthew Gantt
MG: This patch demonstrates some of the approaches I’ve been exploring using Max in tandem with game engine simulations, inspired in large part by cybernetic systems and their application to organizing sound and sonic events. Here, we see Max communicating with a simulation made with Unreal Engine via OSC to create a feedback control loop: objects in 3D space send information about their movement, location, and collisions to Max to generate MIDI information, and Max sends control data back to the simulation based on this information to prompt changes in the 3D environment. Rather than viewing this arrangement as a kind of data sonification, I’m more excited about this dynamic system as a way of generating complex and evolving sound gestures from relatively simple conditions. Hopefully this can provide a generative starting place for your own sounds and systems, as well!

Download Matthew's Unreal Engine builds:
Mac Build
Windows Build
Project Files: Matthew has been kind enough to share the Unreal Engine project file for this Starting Point, in addition to the pre-compiled binaries. The project file is large! Almost 2GB. It should open in UE 5.11, which you can download via the Epic Games Launcher. The binaries were compiled on late versions of both Mac OS and Windows. Neither Matthew nor Cycling ‘74 can provide tech support in the event your system does not play nice with any of these files.
K: My work focuses on researching traditional Japanese music,and through this research, I have identified three essential elements that I hypothesize are very important: pitch, time, and timbre👺
The patches I created allow for a highly organic approach to these elements🌿
Specifically, the "time" patch enables users to freely divide a range of time and generate rhythms⏱️
while the "note" patch creates heterophony based on a single fundamental melody🎼
The "synth" patch features two 2-operator FM synthesizers with the ability to organically change timbre at specific moments🎹
By using the "all" patch, all of these functions can be integrated, supporting the creation of rich, organic music🌯
I view Max8 as a versatile notebook that allows users to quickly test and explore fragmented ideas🗒️
Although it might take some time to master, Max8 offers powerful support when pursuing a specific approach or concept📈
While the patches I've created may seem complex, I would be delighted if they inspire even one more person to explore the possibilities of Max🤝

by Andrew Benson on 2023年5月3日