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Custom UI Objects with Javascript
by Andrew Benson on 2024年11月13日
Four Max artists share new custom UI objects created with Javascript
Starting Points in Max pt. 4
by Andrew Benson on 2024年10月15日
How do you get started when you begin a project in Max? We asked 3 artists working with Max to share each of their personal starting...
Sfizz~ Variations
by Andrew Benson on 2024年5月22日
Three Max artists take on sfizz~ and offer a glitchy sequencer, a textured vocal sampler, and a patch that slices up a single audio file...
Starting Points in Max - High-Contrast Graphics
by Andrew Benson on 2023年12月18日
How do you get started when you begin a project in Max? Ever wondered how people create those striking high-contrast visuals you see on...
Extended Instruments in Max
by Andrew Benson on 2023年9月27日
Max has been used to extend instrumental performances in unique ways since the earliest days of the software. To explore what performers...
An Interview with Takumi Ogata
by Andrew Benson on 2023年8月10日
Takumi Ogata creates custom instruments for performing with Max. Watch the video to hear more about how he is working with Max to explore...
Ends: Ambient Sunday Live Streams
by Andrew Benson on 2023年6月16日
Ambient music artist Ends streams live every Sunday with an assortment of nicely presented Max patches. Try out some of his patches here.
Timbre Transfer with Machine Learning by Isaac Io Schankler
by Andrew Benson on 2023年6月7日
You’ll need to download and install nn~ first, and then download the patch and supporting materials. After you run the patch and turn the...
Collaborative Drum Kit in Max, Part 2
by Andrew Benson on 2023年5月17日
Drums and rhythm are a foundational element of electronic music especially, and every artist has their preferences in how they should...
Starting Points in Max pt. 2
by Andrew Benson on 2023年5月3日
How do you get started when you begin a project in Max? We asked 3 artists working with Max to share each of their personal starting...