Ben Bracken -
Max 9.0.4 Released
We are happy to announce the release of RNBO 1.3.3, now available for download via the Max Package Manager. This update focuses on...
We are excited to announce the availability of our Eventide package for RNBO as a public beta. We’ve worked closely with Eventide to...
Shane -
Anyone have any ideas about why this is happening, and more importantly: how I can get around these errors? Thanks in advance!
Oni Shogun -
Over a decade on and the property is still bogus ^^ post(this.patcher.scrolloffset,'\n') // always returns 0 I have tried all manner of...
Thank you for posting. I agree 100% to the above mentioned points and honestly do struggle with large portions of the references having...
In Max 9.0.3, I am changing a few settings for a [dialog] object in Inspector: changing mode to "Extended (Yes/No/Cancel)" and adding...
Greg Ross -
The bundled version is still 8.5.? I believe. Unless that changed recently. I’d double check, if it’s using the bundled version v8 objects...
Thanks, this is really helpful!
benjamin vyger -
I'm changing my answer because I didn't see your last post. % 3200 is useless, indeed. I can't tell you what the right values could...
Robert Rethwisch -
Source Audio, thanks for reminding me that you can send a dsp restart message to max! If I can't get these reliable in sync at least I can...
Source Audio -
@Roman yes windows versions of max don't manage to store audio settings if one quits max in a certain way. I have reported that several...
Blair -
thankss legend.