Ben Bracken -
Max 9.0.4 Released
We are happy to announce the release of RNBO 1.3.3, now available for download via the Max Package Manager. This update focuses on...
We are excited to announce the availability of our Eventide package for RNBO as a public beta. We’ve worked closely with Eventide to...
tyler mazaika -
in general that will mean that a query is sent to the live.object or live.remote~ object but the current object id is 0 (the object isn’t...
thomasswell -
thanks so much did the reading and put this together.... still no luck not sure what to do with the preferences folder itself - if...
Source Audio -
Answer is in your double post :
Mihail S -
c74 confirmed this is bug, made ticket for it
manysounds -
apologies to everyone involved
Rivanni -
I thought I tried that before, but not, since that's the solution. Thanks! Still strange that this is not pointed at when clicking on the...
m datamusic -
Thanks a lot for your help. umenu is very usefull =) If you are interested you can check my work here : [SoundCloud Embed] Best regard.
Aiden Walker -
I am having the exact same issue as well! Seems like Max for Live devices don't run at the same refresh rate or FPS. It's very noticeable...
Myer Nore -
I wonder if something like this would work: = "mute" = "solo" = "arm" Or maybe something...
Wil -
You will get much better performance staying on gl. [Max Patch] If your movies are getting stuck, which I am currently have the same issue...