tyler mazaika -
FWIW with the getpath solution you need to be a little careful if you’re trying to slice off the end of the path in order to get the path...
Source Audio -
stuff your sysex into dict or pattr or anything else that can store sysex dump in live set.
Answer is in your double post : https://cycling74.com/forums/activate-ableton-link-with-a-m4l-device
jo bo -
Two different 4 operator fm synth plugins open in Ableton, either side by side or in an instrument rack. My goal is for parameters from...
Rivanni -
I notice that Max for Live devices are overly slow when they are in edit mode, even when they are still frozen. I see this with devices...
Myer Nore -
I wonder if something like this would work: myObj.property = "mute" myObj.property = "solo" myObj.property = "arm" Or maybe something...
ian jojo -
I'm working on a device that features a live.drop to add a sample. It works just as it should, but for whatever reason, when I drag and...
You're on the right path, Martin. If I understand what you're after, you probably want to use the [transport] object rather than...
I'm getting some Max-specific autocompletion in VSCode using https://github.com/zsteinkamp/m4l-typescript-base.
Timber Haint -
That was it. 9 was installed but Ableton kept using 8. Reinstall fixed it. Thanks!