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The list of what we're discovering about Max and our users grows each day. We tackle everything from hardware reviews to re-reading books from decades past.

An Interview with Takumi Ogata

by Andrew Benson on 2023年8月10日

Takumi Ogata creates custom instruments for performing with Max. Watch the video to hear more about how he is working with Max to explore...

Generating Sound and Organizing Time: An Interview with Graham Wakefield and Gregory Taylor

by David Zicarelli on 2022年10月3日

Early next month Cycling ‘74 will publish our second book, Generating Sound and Organizing Time: Thinking with gen~ book 1 by Graham...

An Interview with Leafcutter John

by Tom Hall on 2022年8月1日

If you don’t know Leafcutter John’s recordings or his software (the astounding playground that is his Forester patch) work already, you’re...

Garth Paine Patches for Max 8.3, Part 2

by Darwin Grosse on 2022年5月31日

Garth Paine has created a patch that can claim an ancestry from the astounding player piano work of Conlon Nancarrow and give a nod to its...

Diving Deeper into the Max 8.3 Release with Jitter

by Tom Hall on 2022年5月31日

We recently caught up with our new Jitter visuals team contributor Matteo Marson for a look at physically based rendering techniques, and...

Garth Paine Patches for Max 8.3, Part 1

by Darwin Grosse on 2022年4月29日

Garth Paine dives into some of the new functions of Max 8.3 and provides some playable patches that show off his unique voicing. Part one...

An Interview with Meng Qi

by Gregory Taylor on 2022年4月1日

I found the work of the Chinese Eurorack and instrument designer Meng Qi interesting in ways that won’t surprise any Max user — it was the...

An Interview with Thorsten Sideboard

by Gregory Taylor on 2022年2月28日

Like many events, the Algorithmic Art Assembly — a festival that combined a broad-ranging array of performances, talks and opportunities to...

An Interview with Federico Foderaro

by Darwin Grosse on 2022年1月31日

You probably know media technologist Federico Foderaro’s work already from his many Amazing Max Stuff videos. If not, here’s your chance:...

Meet the CT - Zeynep Özcan

by Darwin Grosse on 2021年12月1日

Meet our newest Max Certified Trainer: Zeynep Özcan - and learn more about both her artistic practice and her love of teaching.