Leap motion
There was a great patch called aka.leapmotion. Unfortunately this doesn't work anymore - is there a new way of using the Leapmotion device ?
Not exactly what you’re looking for, but MIMI Glover is how I get Leap data into Max.
Thank you very much - I will try this!
Oh - I just realized, that Glover doesn't work with Monterey - well, I think, I have to wait for an update.
Does anyone know if Glover is compatible with the Ultraleap 3Di? I've emailed Mimu a couple of times and no reply.
you could try this: https://maxforlive.com/library/device/4455/max-4-leap. It's still available for download.
Did anyone have any luck with ultraleap 3Di?
I tried https://maxforlive.com/library/device/4455/max-4-leap - but it says, that is it no more supported - or did I misunderstand something?
Probably 32bit only
Hi everybody,
Like many, I was looking for a new version of the Aka-leap object, for using the Leapmotion in max with the Monterey OS. All the solutions suggested in the replies don't seem to work.
You should make leap-motion work in monterey first. There are no issues with max externals. There is a workaround for leap-motion driver, you can google it at ultra leap forum.
Works nicely here in a M2 MacBook Pro.
I have this object in my computer. However I am unable to find de URL to download it. Does someone know it ?
All the best
Josep Manuel Berenguer
To use a leapmotion in Max with up-to-date drivers (Gemini V5 or Hyperion V6) : install Ultraleap package from package manager :-)