
Good things come in threes. Designed to arrive at uniquely interwoven patterns, Trifecta is a three-strand polyrhythmic, Euclidean, auto-hocketting, multitimbral, generative performance sequencer. Create sprawling diatonic motifs, or toggle into Drums mode for easy drum rack programming. You can even arpeggiate the results - across multiple instruments simultaneously, all from a single instance using the bundled X-Relay utility.
Each strand features seven parameter lanes: gate, choice between two selected note pitches per strand, velocity, chance of playback, note length, offset delay, and assignable control change. All lanes come with their own parameter controls, including Euclidean options for gate and note to rapidly generate compelling patterns.
The parameter steps of each lane are fully randomizable to easily arrive at new ideas and patterns. Each lane's note choices can be set via MIDI input in real-time via the learn toggle, or transposed independently of the other strands. Exponentially expanding possibilities and use cases, each strand output can be sent to the current MIDI track - or routed to one of 64 X-Relay destinations to be intercepted anywhere in a set.
Each parameter lane can be rhythmically expressed across 64 divisions distributed between 1 or up to 64 bars, allowing you to explore all kinds of polyrhythmic odd number divisions. Along with per-lane cycle loop lengths, play direction per strand and a unique shuffle mode, the unfurling potential is boundless in scope. To help rein your outputs into more predictable outputs, a reset in bars is available on a per-strand or global basis.
Along with a complement of other global controls, the three strands can be woven together in four ways: Combine, merging all MIDI notes polyphonically to the device output; Converse, which follows a hierarchical structure allowing strand 3 to play only when strand 1 and 2 aren’t playing, and strand 2 to play only when strand 1 isn’t playing, with note off states determined by a combination of each strand’s gate and chance lanes; Count, which cycles through each strand forward, backward, or elliptically, at a division of bars set by the global Interval parameter; and finally Chaos, which randomly plays a strand at a division of bars set by the same Interval parameter, in two modes: with or without a chance of silence.
Count and Chaos automatically adapt to the number of strands currently activated via their toggles. And of course it comes with the usual scale quantization, offset delay, optional gate and side input modes, and a helpful visualizer to display which strands are playing and when. Scale aware, theme adaptive, configured for Push and fully Info View annotated, Trifecta is a uniquely creative workhorse for everything from dynamic rhythms to expansive musical architectures.
3 polyrhythmic MIDI strands divisible up to 64 steps up to 64 bars in length
Send each strand anywhere in your set via X-Relay
7 parameters per strand: gate, note choice, velocity, chance, length, offset delay, and control change
Easy Euclidean logic for both gate and note choice patterns
Rapid randomization of parameter lanes or timing intervals
Unique weave modes to combine, converse, count, or use chaos to alternate between strand output
Arp mode to arpeggiate the entire output while remaining in sync
Discrete transposition of specific note choice, strands, or the entire output
Info View Annotated
Learn all you need to know directly in Live - just open the Info View and hover your mouse over any parameter.
Scale Aware
Natively integrated with Live 12's scale and key for seamless workflow.
Theme Adaptive
Device colors automatically adapt to your preferred Live theme.
Optimized for Push
All parameters configured, ready and available in Push.