jit.geom.tomatrix not working with jit.gl.mesh
In the attached patcher why does 1 work and 2 doesn’t? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated
This seems to work
Thanks, you’re right it does look like using the jit.geom.tomesh instead of jit.geom.tomatrix works, I would like the tomatrix to work as well though because then I could slice up an object using the values in the matrix, after using jit.geom.subdivide to add more points and jit.geom.remesh to distribute them evenly, that’s the fun part though
In the patcher I have attached, one matrix is sent directly from git.gl.model to git.gl.mesh and then another is routed through togeom, remesh, and tomatrix to git.gl.mesh, this seems to work and maybe depending on how fast your computer is you can see first the original star fish and then the star fish with redistributed points
I don’t know why this works and 2 from my original patcher doesn’t, do you think this is a bug?
I attached a print object to the matrix output of the jit.gl.model and got jit_matrix u00… triangles, and connected another print object to the output of the git.geom.tomatrix and got jit_matrix u00… but without triangles, so I think jit.gl.mesh wants the message to have triangles and the message from jit.geom.tomatrix doesn’t have triangles, but you can append triangles
I was having difficulty with 3d text about a week ago
and noticed the geom wanted triangles
even though Rob fixed it
I wonder if append triangles would have worked
played around more with your first patch render-2
really strange that it will not work
I can't get it to work
but seem that you solved things differently
As you've discovered this is simply a matter of setting the jit.gl.mesh draw_mode to triangles. I think it makes sense to append the matrix output of geom.tomatrix with the triangles symbol, similar to jit.gl.model, so I'll make a note to do that.
However it looks like you want to draw the geometry surface as points, in which case you should use the jit.geom.topoints op which will output only the unique points of the surface.
This is a different issue from trying to draw multiple draw groups from jit.gl.text matrixoutput, although jit.gl.model also supports outputting mutltiple draw groups with matrixoutput if the model file contains multiple mesh groups (e.g like the Seymour.dae file). In this case, same as in the jit.gl.text3d case you will need to use the concat.drawgroups abstractions (or some other logic) to handle the draw group matrices.
Okay I understand, you can use the draw_mode attribute on the git.gl.mesh instead of sending the matrix name with triangles, I’ll try out a model with multiple parts and concat.drawgroups later, thanks for your help both of you, here’s what I made today, could use a variable number of slices and probably could be simplified, I thought there’s got to be a way to do it with lists but I couldn’t get it, turning triangles and auto normals on git.gl.mesh produces unexpected results, going to try the geom normals object later
I suspect jit.geom.crop will be of interest to you

There are more geom objects than I thought there were, I thought of a way to do it with lists too but my shadow pc isn’t working at the library, might just have to wait until I have a computer again some day, then I’ll have all these geom objects to learn about too
I know this has been asked before but please consider making a Linux version of max msp/jitter, I’m homeless and jobless for the time being and I would love to be able to go to the library and rdp into a paperspace or something vm from their computers and spend all day making stuff, can’t get it working under wine/crossover, couldn’t make a windows vm inside my Linux paperspace vm, cloud windows vms are expensive, connecting to shadow from the library is iffy, I bought a 200 dollar refurbished laptop and it got stolen from my tent cause I can’t always have it in my back pack with me, but I managed to make something neat using geom.crop, but please consider this for the people who might not have a computer or would rather not own a computer :)