jit.world vs output_matrix

Joao Ferreira's icon


When I connect the attrui @output-matrix to jit.world the image disappears in Live12 but not in Live11.

Why? The patch is the same. There is a new jit.world behavior specific for Live12?


Best regards

Rob Ramirez's icon

need a patch to reproduce and offer any help

Joao Ferreira's icon

Hello Ramirez,

Thank you for your answer.

Please find attached my patch "Live 12 Reddit Teste7.amxd" with the following error: when I toggle in "output_matrix" connected to the jit.world, the image of jit.playlist desappears!! why??

I tried some new patch with

jit.display vs jit.world single.maxpat
Max Patch

jit.display vs jit.world.maxpat
Max Patch

simpler connections between this two objects and it's working.

Best regards

Joao Ferreira

Live 12 Reddit Teste7.amxd