remove clicking sound(window function+gen~)
Hi everyone,
I make a patch of random cutting play.
And I also incorporated the window function object into that patch.
However, when I test this patch using the MAX audio samples "cello-f2" and "bassoonA3", I always get a clicking sound....
I can't figure out if the problem is with the window function section, the bang after "edge~", or the audio-settings on my Mac etc.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
You will allways hear clicks when cutting or jumping in time
while playing back.
This has been talked thousands of times here in the forum.
So search how to smooth or crossfade play points
The response here might help:
Thank you very much for two person.
I watched this youtube already and make section of window with his technique.
However, I still can't solve this problem. I tried various things, such as whether the number of samples in the initial setting of "buffer window" is wrong, or whether the numbers in the window function are wrong (it may not be accurate unless some are 8128 or 8130, not all 8129), but I still can't solve it. For now, I'm reconsidering it, taking into consideration crossfade techniques.
hi, check the thread that Graham linked above, i posted another solution there called 'ducking' which is for interruptions, your patch might need more of that kind of solution.
additionally, i added a non-gen~ version of ducking to your patch here, which i call 'EZDuck'(uses the curve~ object), in case it helps to understand, and it seems more applicable to your case since you do many changes outside of gen~ and any gen~-related 'params':
hope it helps 🍻
Thank you very much 👽'tW∆s ∆lienz👽!
Your idea has given me new perspective. I still don't have a complete solution, but I'd like to continue my research!