RNBO patch not working in Safari on iOS
I made a short test patch using RNBO and exported it to a website hosted on github using Cycling's website template. You can access it here: https://michaelmariaott.com/rnbotest/
On my Macbook it works in Safari and Firefox, but on my iPhone it does not work (tested in Safari and Chrome).
Is there any way to get it working on iOS as well?
Edit: It seems to work if the audio is triggered by the clickable midi keyboard. I guess the sliders alone do not count as a user interaction, so the audio context can't be started.
Did you make any progress on this? I am trying to figure this out currently, and I'm similarly stuck with mobile not working.
Any news? I'm having the same problem...
i got most working, but the audio seems to pop when interacting with the page. even if optimizing my web app, some how clicks and pops find theur way
Safari on iOS has a few stricter characteristics to it wrt allowing WebAudio contexts to start, especially when the user has the phone on silent.
First and foremost it’s important that the context is resumed as the result of a user event. For this reason sites often show a „click here to start“ button.
As an example the embed on the RNBO product page runs RNBO and shows the „Tap to start“ UX paradigm.
I’m happy to help and maybe there are improvements we can make to the example template to help getting started. Do you have the site running somewhere to test, or maybe the code / portions of it available?