triggering pictures from two different folders with midi

Teddy Beddy's icon

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a project where I’d like to use MIDI notes from Ableton to trigger images in Max MSP. Here’s what I’m trying to achieve:

  • Each time a MIDI note is played, Max should randomly select and display an image from Folder A.

  • When no MIDI notes are being played, Max should display a default image from Folder B.

Any insights or example patches would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Source Audio's icon

you need to collect all currently sounding notes,

and if no notes are active select that default image.

every new note ON triggers random selection from folder A.

you can use borax to check note states.

Teddy Beddy's icon

thank you so much for you help, can't wait to try it out tonight

Roman Thilenius's icon

preload all images into matrix objects and let the midi notes switch from there.