Hello everyone !
I just made a little volca beats controler for an upcoming electroninc session I have, I thought it could be usefull to some ! There is a resizible step sequencer, two probability based random triggers with their own time subdivisions, swing, random velocity for more interesting hi-hats and easy access to all avaibles CC of the volca beats. It can easily be modified to implement more random stuff if needed :)
Enjoy !
Hey, I don't understand the problem you're facing. You can't download the maxpat file?
Would you do a breakdown of this patch? I'm really just trying to figure out whats the simplest message to send out that works to the beats via channel 10, but I can't get the any drum sound to trigger (after turning on the beats while holding 'memory' button).
I want to control all of it from Max ideally, really appreciate if you can help.
It might be simpler for me to help you if I know exactly what you want to do !
For now it seems like maybe the volca is not set on the proper channel ? Does it work with the patch I uploaded here ?
I'm going to reopen this and try my best to break it down.
Ok so let's start with the beginning.
The volca beats expects specific midi notes to trigger the sounds. You also have specific CC messages to controls things like stutter time or part volume. Evey specific messages can be found here on the midi chart.
I use a main phasor and a subdiv object to get the columns info from the matrixctrl object. The subdiv are used to trigger randomly on 2 different subdivisions of the main phasor.
The output of matrixcrtl is unpacked then sent to their respective makenote objects in order to trigger their respective sounds on the volca.
I use specific CC messages on each voice to control the "part volume" parameter on the volca in order to simulate velocity. It makes the machine way much more usable in my opinion.
Then it's just more specific CC messages (going to ctlout) to control stutter depth, time etc.
I think if you compare the midi chart I sent with the values in my patch you'll get it pretty easily, nothing too fancy here.
This patch is a mess though, sorry for not cleaning it before posting.
Don't hesitate if you have specific issues you need to adress.
a short look unveils few things to get fixed ....
Yeah just saw that also. But weirdly, I remember the "velocity" worked on the patch. Maybe I corrected it afterwards.
But isn't "value // controler number // midi channel" the normal syntax for ctlout ?
Oh no I get it now sorry misread your image haha, it's just that you can either use fixed velocity or random velocity. I definitely should have done something automatic to close the gate when fixed velocity is activated. I think i just started with fixed one, then added random, then encapsulated everything without thinking about it.
you are sending controllers all the time when you set velocity.
Only bang from sequencer should do so.
you can reduce number of objects a lot ...
Yes good catch.
It's an old one for sure, I was still beginning back then. Messy patching and too many CMD + D without optimisation.
I don't have the time to make the changes right now, but if you have a corrected version please share it here it might help others.
I personnaly won't use this patch anymore
well I just wanted to point few things,
I have no interest myself in that patch
Hi Mathieu, I'm wondering if maybe it's something to do with my USB-MIDI interface, what I was hoping to do was to play certain drum sounds on the beats, triggered from max potentially without the beats even in play mode, like how you can tap on the different keys to hear different sounds.
I had a patch like this that was trying to copy the message style in your patch, but even just trying to play the kick (note 36) wasn't working, both with MIDI Out and Note Out routing through my USB-MIDI interface.
I had tried with the beats turned on while holding memory button to open channel 10. And in normal mode.