Oni Shogun -
Over a decade on and the property is still bogus ^^ post(this.patcher.scrolloffset,'\n') // always returns 0 I have tried all manner of...
Toby Fox -
Is there any way to get all selected clips in JS?
klaus filip -
my approach is a v8ui, that should control list-parameters of a patch. the most straight forward method would be ParameterListener, but...
weuoimi -
Hello, i've been working on a patch with 3d-animated graph flood-fill recursive algorithm, the main feature of which is that each...
Hey Julien, thanks again for your feedback, et que ton année soit bonne également! Interesting case! It seems that only v8ui on Windows...
Your math is wrong. If you print your conditions (pos[0] >= endCoord[0], pos[1] >= endCoord[1], pos[2] >= endCoord[2]) for deleting the...
eLud -
var pb = new PolyBuffer("samples"); pb.send(0, "normalize", 0.1)
Roald Baudoux -
Hello, Despite embedding the JS code in the new V8 object, I try to name the object to match the version of my JS code. However as soon...
hi ben, ok, i will. here is a patch that saves from wild scroling, only waiting a bit instead... [Max Patch]
telegrammae -
When I disable the RNBO server on startup, CPU usage no longer reaches 10%, so the problem goes away. I haven't done anything beyond that –...