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Book Review: Inside Computer Music
by Gregory Taylor on 2021年7月6日
Inside Computer Music is a hybrid cross between a book, a website, and downloadable software. Together, they provide the finest example...
Book Review: Drone and Apocalypse: An Exhibit Catalog for the End of the World
by Gregory Taylor on 2020年11月24日
Are you a lover of drone music and those fellow enthusiasts willing to subvert the distance in much of scholarly writing by means as...
Book Review: Between the Tracks: Musicians on Selected Electronic Music
by Gregory Taylor on 2020年10月27日
Miller Puckette and Kerry Hagan’s edited volume “Between the Tracks” is an interesting and useful way to imagine a very different kind of...
Book Review: Pink Noises - Women On Electronic Music and Sound
by Gregory Taylor on 2020年8月18日
After creating the website -- devoted to promoting the work of women in electronic music via interviews, information, and...
Book Review(s): Reading Up on Spatial Audio
by Gregory Taylor on 2020年3月3日
It’s no surprise that the recent release of the Audio Routes tools for multichannel audio routing in Max for Live and the MC features of...
Book Review: Sonic Writing
by Gregory Taylor on 2019年5月28日
Thor Magnusson's Sonic Writing: Technologies of Material, Symbolic, and Signal Inscriptions is one of those rare reads that manages to...
Book Review: Broken Music - Artists' Recordworks
by Gregory Taylor on 2018年12月4日
Sometimes, a really amazing book will go out of print and increase in cost to ridiculous prices on the secondhand market owing to scarcity...
An Interview with Gregory Taylor
by Darwin Grosse on 2018年12月4日
Cycling '74 and author Gregory Taylor published a book that takes the creation of step sequencers using Max as its subject: Step by Step:...
Book Review: Audio Culture - Readings in Modern Music (Revised Edition)
by Gregory Taylor on 2018年7月3日
One of the interesting features of a book that manages to become “a standard work in the field” is that the things we refer to when we use...
Book Review: The Documents of Contemporary Art Series
by Gregory Taylor on 2018年5月22日
I love to share the books I find, and Whitechapel Gallery has produced a series of books that I think will speak to you. In this quick...