Control Ableton Link via LOM

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Hi everyone,

I need to control Ableton Link toggle via Max For Live for a multimedia system I'm designing.
The LOM documentation states "is_ableton_link_enabled" as a property of "Song", with methods to set, get and observe.
I tried a in any way I could find to assemble a prototype to get/set that feature, via, live.function, live.object, with help via live.path but seems they cannot access that property.
In the end, everyone of those do print out on console something like: "'Song' object has no attribute 'is_ableton_link_enabled'".

Here's an example patch

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

I don't know if it's a bug or I am making silly mistakes, call me out if you find anything wrong.

I'm on Win10 LTSC, Ableton Live 11.0.12, Max 8.2.0.
A friend on mine tried it out with same results on OSX, don't know his Live/Max versions though.

Checking the LOM documentation further, I found "This document refers to Ableton Live version 11.1", which is not release yet, as far as I know. Maybe this could be one of next Live version added features?


Have you find a way to activate ableton link with a button friend?

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