Full version of Max for iPad?
I just saw the release of the new iPad pro.
I guess many generations of iPad has been more powerful than the first computers Max MSP was run on.
Is there any development ongoing for launching a full version of Max for the iPad?
I like Mira a lot, but you cannot use java scripted graphics so GUI wise it is a bit limited and the big con is of course that if you want to bring your patch live, you need both a computer and an iPad (or just your computer).
I think it would be super nice to be able to run a full Max-patch as a dedicated app on an iPad. I wouldn't mind if development of the app was on my PC as long as it could run completely standalone with the full feature set including externals and java snippets on the iPad.
Is there any development ongoing for this?
yeah I think it's essential.
This is what I am looking for as well. I would prefer to do development on my Mac, then deploy to iPad for stage. I trigger atmospherics from my bass. I figure that an iPad for charts could do double duty as a welcome replacement to my Electro-Harmonix Ravish pedal. I only use it for the sympathetic string sounds anyway, and it is very limiting. I haven't worked with Max since the 90s, but I'd gladly jump back in for this!
With Apple going full ARM now I really hope that there will be some kind of adaptation here soon..
are there any news about a full version of max/msp for the ipad???
would be great to read a statement from cycling74! :-)
I feel it’s only a matter of time with this.
Along with Ableton and... well pretty much all Mac software.
as it is, most iPadOS apps “can run” on an M1 Mac.
As Apple merges the iPad/iOS and MacOS it’s inevitable
everybody says "It's just a matter of time". How much time? It's 2025, February, and I still cannot use Max patches I make on an iPad without having to run them on a laptop connected to the ipad with MIRA. Come on, programmers.
also don’t unterstand it? 🤷♀️
strange that there is no statement from cycling74 to this topic…
everybody says "It's just a matter of time".
i have not said this, HAHA! and for that matter, neither has anyone from cycling74 said this, ever. this thread is misinformative: just because there's a thread with random people declaring something, doesn't mean that's an expectation to start living by 🤣🤣
tl;dr - it's not going to happen unless you stop thinking about it, that's when they will first start to.
(in the meantime, there are already 2 apps that allow you to open PureData patches on iPad, go there)
At the very least (four years after my grandiose declaration 4 posts up)…
AT THE VERY least I am surprised there isn’t a run-time thingy that would native run MIRA patches or something.
In the meantime I suppose we can patch in RNBO, export the code, and do the backflips needed to make it go. I don’t know.
I do however maintain that it’s only a matter of time until all Apple devices are actually running the same OS. If not… how about Max for Linux? The Push runs a version of Ableton/max on their custom Linux, right? So that exists in some form already. I’m not a full fledged iPadOS developer so I I truly have no idea what it would take, other than having to rework the file system and certain permissions.
See you in 4 years when I’m still waiting!
it’s only a matter of time until all Apple devices are actually running the same OS
oh! i see what you mean 😄 a time when 'mobile', 'desktop', maybe even 'missile guidance' OSes all merge with the same exact AI-informed, quantum-computing capabilities, along with the same ability to develop for all from the same API.
yes, that is a time ahead in the future,🤘🤪🤘 i believe in it, too! 🧞♀️🧚♀️🧜♂️🧙♀️🧑🎄🧙♂️🧜♀️🧚♂️🧞♂️
(...but people need to work against corporate agendas utilizing open-source software and hardware more, then we will enter a time when larger corporations see the benefit of instilling a more 'universal' access within the interface of all their products, from hardware to software and back again. through an attitude of collaboration rather than competition, individual people can pull together to be bigger than companies and corporations)
i don't know about 4 years, more like... 40+ 👍