Has jit.gl.sketch changed something in the latest versions of jitter?
Hi guys!
I'm trying to bring back to life an old patch that is basically a jit.gl.sketch object that draws 9000 circles.
It happens that in max 7 it works at more than 60 fps, but in max 8.6.4 it doesn't go over 11 fps, and in 9 less than 4 fps.
Has something changed in jit.gl.sketch?
Checked on 2 different PCs with windows 10 and 11
Thanks in advance!
Yes, the default graphics engine in Max is now glcore. You can change this back to legacy gl2 in your Max preferences if desired. This should give you comparable performance for your legacy patch.
For modernization of your patch you're going to want to use hardware instancing via jit.gl.multiple.
Thanks Robert!
I did imagine that, but with gl.gridshape I don't see how to assign a different color to the frame and the fill, as you could with gl.sketch. Is this possible with gridshape obj?
Simply use another jit.gl.multiple to manage the outline instances. You can draw a circle with jit.gl.mesh @draw_mode line_strip, and feed it some vertices to draw using jit.gen (as one way)
Thanks again!!