help with timing and delay in RNBO patch

neuwirthe's icon

I have an issue with the following RNBO patch

The delay I need four out1 depends on the machine where I am running the plugin produced from this project out1 and out2 then get connected to noteout
in1 and in2 come from a notein object. How can I make sure that out1 is only triggered when out2 is also ready?

Another question. Why can I not upload an rnbopat file to the forum?

Source Audio's icon

same as I suggested in a different thread where you thought it is solved.

if inputs 3-6 are only part of calculation and don't trigger output,

then all is easy.

velocity from notein gets out before pitch.

you need to trigger outputs 1 & 2 when all this expr objects multiply velocity.

here is what your patch produces :

new note triggers twice, old and new, and velocity triggers

before all that expr objects get out

if you change this to start with :

you will have that part ok.

that pipe is anyway going to make output 1 later in time.

But if it were not there, and you would not trust right to left

order of execution as seen below

you could again insert someting like pack - unpack if you want

outputs 1 & 2 synced

neuwirthe's icon

Thanks. It seems this solved the problem.