loading a predefined plugin via a umenu message into the [vst~] object
hello forum, probably a really simple answer, but I cant get my head around it, at the moment.
Is it possible to load a plugin into the vst~ object via a message, instead of the [plugin] message which opens a pop-up window. In the ideal world, I would want to have a [umenu] of plugins, so that I could do it in house so to speak and then in turn [pattr] store it for easy recall.
hope someone can put me in the right direction, cheers. - rob.
Most part of the answer is in the help file of the vst~ object, in the tab "plugin names".
or do it withou the vst object and fill a menu with any method you wish with the paths - and then use a second menu which only display the names to the user (use strippath object)
cheers for the replies, many thanks