Setup Problem with Raspberry 4 and RNBO
Hello there!
I've been trying for quite a long time to setup my Raspberry 4 with RNBO, but I'm quite confused and I really don't know what to do. I've followed every step on the Cycling Setup page and on some youtube tutorial, but something's wrong and I don't know what. My raspberry doesn't appear in RNBO's export target window...
The material that I have is : Raspberry pi 4, micro SD card, raspberry HDMI cable, keyboard, monitor.
I have downloaded the Raspberry Image, version 1.3.3, which is supposed to work with my RNBO version (I have Max 9.0.0). I have flashed it on the SD card using the Raspberry Pi Imager. As for the settings, I didn't change the hostname, which was set as "raspberrypi", neither the username, which was set as "pi". I just added a custom password.
I tried the setup once with Wifi configuration, but then I made it again without Wifi configuration because I want to use only an ethernet cable, in order to be able to connect to the Raspberry on various locations.
So... after flashing the SD card, I put it in the raspberry, power it up, check what's on the monitor. A terminal appears, codes lines are flowing. Every message has a green "OK" beside it except for one message concerning the NetworkManager where the message has a red "FAILED". It says "Failed to start See "systemctl status for details".
I searched this code line and saw a forum, where people typed code lines in order to solve this problem.
BUT the thing is, I cannot even type code lines, because the terminal is constantly showing me this on the type zone : "c74rpi login". After typing something and press enter, it asks for a password.
So I supposed that I need to login before being able to do modifications to the Raspberry. But I tried different login combinations and it didn't work...
I don't even know if this "c74rpi login" is concerning the username or the hostname.
I tried both : the default hostname "raspberrypi", then "c74rnbo" as a default password (found on Cycling RNBO setup page). I also tried "pi" and then the custom password that I chose during the setup...
Thanks in advance for your attention. Sorry for this big amount of information, but I'm new with all this and there are several things that I don't understand concerning network connection and raspberry setup...
Have a good day and thank you!!
Hi Uli,
m first guess would be is that your Pi has problems with the Network connection. This could be due to the network topology, any switch / router causing issues or general configuration issues.
I got your point wrt the ethernet connection but maybe to start with you could try to follow the guide closely using a WiFi connection and the exact steps described. You can always disable WiFi or use ethernet later one but this way we can troubleshoot better what might be going wrong.
Note that as described in the setup guide the username should remain pi
while you can set your own password of course. You can as well alter the hostname during the flashing config but maybe for a first test stick to the default c74rpi
Once you've flashed the sd card and booted the Raspberry Pi (give it a minute to settle in) does it show up in Max? If not, does a potential reboot fix that?
If the zeroconf based discovery of the Raspberry Pi fails in the RNBO Export Sidebar but you are sure that your Pi is connected successfully to your local network - you can still provide the IP / hostname manually using the + add
button in the sidebar.
Hope that helps!
Hello Florian,
Thanks a lot for your answer!!
I made all the setup again. When I plugged the first time the raspberry it didn't work, but then I rebooted with an ethernet cable. After waiting a bit it finally showed up in max, yay!! Then, I tried a third time without the ethernet cable, and it also shows up in max!! Great!
BUT now I have another issue! It's about creating a python file in order to be able to read sensors via OSC (for a trial I used potentiometers).
I followed this tutorial :
As required in the tutorial, I managed to install : liblo-dev, some version of pyliblo3 (I had to dig in forums and install some other version because the initial command was not working for me), and nano 7.2.
I connect to the raspberry in the Terminal via ssh. Then I use the command "nano", which is supposed to create a nano file, I have a nano window opening up. Then, I edit the code lines. The tutorial mentions "save the file". When I press cmd+S, It proposes to save it on the computer, under a .txt file.
Then, when I'm back to ssh via Terminal, and I type "python", as mentioned in the tutorial, which is supposed, I guess, to run or open the Python script into the Raspberry? But when I run this command in the Terminal, I have this error message : "python: can't open file '/home/pi/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory"
So, what I'm guessing is that the file is not saved into the Raspberry? but I don't know how to do this... Is it an issue with the nano version, or library, or just something I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance,
If I read you correctly you saved the file under RNBO.txt but try to run is as
Change the file name to (you can use the mv command). Also make sure that the file is executable by your user (chmod u+x command)
Hi Uli,
great news! Just to be sure - the file needs to be saved on the Pi via the ssh session when editing with nano
and not on disk of your computer.
Just a guess - could it be that when you hit cmd+S
that opens the save dialogue of your Mac to save the some output from the terminal on your host computer?
To save the contents of the
file on the Raspberry Pi after editing with nano you have to exit and save from the nano editor. To exit the nano editor in the terminal and trigger a save dialogue can use ctrl+X
Okaay, thank you so much!
The issue was that I pressed cmd+X and not ctrl+X!! Now it's working, the python file was saved and recognized, and I'm receiving data from the potentiometer on the web interface, yay!
Now I have to adapt everything with my others sensors instead of the potentiometers, and get on with the RNBO patch!
Good evening,
Hello Again!
I come back because I have another issue : I can't figure out how to use the headphones output of my Raspberry 4 (in order to have a check on what the output quality sounds like). I'm hesitating about buying a sound interface, or just stick to the headphones output of the Raspberry.
On my patch (here is a screenshot), there is a groove~ object sending audio to the objects out~1 and 2. I can hear the sound file playing correctly on my computer.

I tried to configure the Raspberry in the web interface and in the export window, to select the headphone output (here is another screenshot).
But when I plug heaphones, no sound is coming out of the raspberry when the patch is running.
However, I can see that the patch is working, because when I trigger my sensors, the param "vitesse" (which controls the speed at which the groove~ object reads the audio file) is changing values. As far as I understood, it should be enough to trigger the groove~...

Do you know if the problem comes from the output routing in the patch, or is it the audio setup of the raspberry, or something else that I'm missing?
Thanks in advance for your help!
P.S. : has any of you tried the Behringer-UCA202 with speakers? I saw that it was a cheap audio interface solution. Does it have a decent sound quality in your opinon?
Hi Ulysses,
At least initially the headphone out wasn’t supported on the Pi 4 due to some technical issues. I am not sure if that has changed meanwhile.
Best option is to use a (class compliant) USB interface or - for example the PiSound by Blokas. The latter is a great option, but a bit more costly.
Hello again!
Thanks a lot Jan for your answer! I bought a USB Interface : the behringer UCA222.
I tried to use it this weekend, but I didn't succeeded. Here are a few screenshots down below (rnbo patch and export sidebar).
I plugged the interface to the pi in USB and connected it to speakers. The Interface seems to be recognized by the pi under the name of "hw: CODEC", because this name dissapears when I unplug the interface. So I selected this name in the export sidebar, I re-exported my patch and rebooted the pi via ssh. (I heard a click sound in the speakers when the pi rebooted)
But when I trigger the patch with my sensors, which are supposed to change the value of a groove~ object, there is no sound coming out and I don't understand why.
I can see via the web interface that my "vitesse" param is changing in real time when I trigger the sensors, it fluctuates between 2 and 0. This param value is connected directly to the groove~object, and that's supposed to trigger the sound when the param is fluctuating. At least, this is what happens when I test the patch via max directly, and connecting the RNBO object output to a dac~.
Do you know where does the problem might comes from? The Audio Interface Configuration? Something about the patch? Or the Raspberry Setup?
Thanks again for your help, and have a good day!!

If you upload a simple patch, just a [cycle~ 220] connected to an outlet, can you hear the sound?
If yes, it’s probably something with your patch. Maybe the buffer couldn’t load the file…
Did you set the checkbook to include the dependencies?
If not there’s probably something with the configuration
P.S did you try different sampling rates and frame sizes?
Hello again Jan!
I tried to upload a simple patch with just cycle~220, and now the sound is coming out of the raspberry, yay!
So it must be the patch, but why could the buffer be unable to read the file? In the web interface, I can see that my "chet" file is loaded (screenshot below)

And I don't know what do the terms "checkbook" and "dependencies" indicate... Is that some sort of setting to do ?
Currently, the sample rate is set to 48000 and the Period Frame is set to 256. Should I try other settings for these two, higher or lower?
Good evening,
I just took a look at the screenshots you posted. The [groove~] object is not used correctly. [groove~] in Max and [groove~] in RNBO work slightly differently. check out the help file for the RNBO version.
P.S: The is sometimes a bit of a 'false friend' situation when using objects we know from Max in RNBO. They are very similar, but often not identical.
Hello again!
I found out what was the problem : the groove object has to be banged in order to launch the file.
If you just change the float input for the speed at which the file is read, it does not trigger the sound.
The sound of my patch is finally coming out !
Thanks again,
Happy to hear!
Hello again!!
I come with a new question. I am totally unexperienced with python, so I'm having trouble just to execute a simple action : light up a led.
I saw this Cycling page :
But they explain how to light a serie of leds, as far as I understood using a variable "i".
I have to do something more simple : I have a push button that I have assigned to a param which switch between 0 and 1. I have a single led, and I want it to be lit up when the param is set to 1, and lit off when the param is set to 0.
It seems super simple but I don't know where to start. What would be the easiest way to do this in the python script?
Thanks in advance and good day!!