SoundFlower Installation on Mac OS Monterey / Alternate softwares?

coralie's icon

Sorry for posting about a side topic regarding this forum, but I have looked a bit everywhere on the internet and since Soundflower was initially developped by Cycling74, I thought that might not be totally out of place.
Also, Soundflower is a very useful audio application...

Everything is in the title
It seems impossible to install soundflower on recent Macs.

I used all the procedures recommended on the web and keep failing
Is there an alternative to Sound Flower? It is very convenient yet.



Pierre-Olivier Boulant's icon

Hello Coralie,
This is probably what you're looking for :
Bonne journée

coralie's icon

Merci P.O !

harlequin's icon

Thank you Pierre-Olivier and Coralie, very useful question and perfect answer.

Peter Parker's icon

The Blackhole doesn't work on monterey neither, there are several chats about it. Does anyone have a working solution to this problem?

Source Audio's icon