Wireframe, Polymode, Gridshape

Marigold Maripol's icon

Hi all -

I had a small question - or maybe it is a big question.. I have a hard time gauging the scale of these things.

One can draw a cube with 12 lines. However, with a jit.gl.gridshape, and polymode turned to 1_1, a cube is drawn with a complex arrangement of triangles. This can be slightly modified with the gridmode and cullface options, but still, I can't seem to find the most basic representation of a regular drawn cube.

I noticed an older thread on the forum that drew them manually using jit.gl.sketch, but I'm wondering if that is the only way.

Thanks again for all the help.

Rob Ramirez's icon

I would use a jit.geom.shape and jit.geom.topoints to get the unique vertices, and then an index matrix to draw the lines

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