Max Packages

Beam for Max: Lighting Control Solution

Designed by our friends at Showsync, Beam for Max is a fully integrated lighting engine that lets you use your Max patches to control your show's lighting rig.

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Beam for Max

Audio Analysis Packages


by IRCAM & ISMM Team

CataRT-MuBu is a collection of Max patches for corpus-based concatenative synthesis, audio mosaicing, descriptor analysis, transcription, and composition (MuBu package required).


by Eric Lyon & Christopher Penrose

A collection of externals that process audio in the spectral domain.


by Austin Franklin

Objects designed for the real-time automation of control parameters to compose music or improvise without the use of external controllers or hardware.

Fluid Corpus Manipulation instigates new musical ways of exploiting ever-growing banks of sound and gestures within the digital composition process -- a DSP and machine learning toolset.


by Alex Harker

Library for arbitrary-rate arbitrary-size frame processing

HISSTools Impulse Response Toolbox (HIRT)

by Alex Harker, Pierre Alexandre Tremblay, CeReNeM & University of Huddersfield

A set of tools for working with convolution and impulse responses in Max. This set of objects addresses various tasks, including realtime zero-latency convolution, measuring impulse responses, spectral display from realtime data or buffers, and buffer-based convolution, deconvolution and inversion.

Eventide H9000

by Eventide Audio

Support for the H9000 multi-fx processor using Gen.

Sound Design Toolkit

by Stefano Delle Monache, Stefano Baldan, Stefano Papetti & Marco Tiraboschi

A framework for ecologically founded sound synthesis and design. Think of it as a virtual Foley-box!


by Cycling '74

Filtering toolbox and resources for audio, visuals, smoothing, and control.


by IRL Labs

A library of machine learning externals and feature extraction externals for Max and Pure Data. ml-lib is primarily based on the Gesture Recognition Toolkit by Nick Gillian

Digital Orchestra Toolbox

by Joseph Malloch, Stephen Sinclair & Marlon Schumacher

A collection of useful abstractions for gesture processing and building digital musical instruments.

MuBu For Max

by ISMM Team & IRCAM

A toolbox for Multimodal Analysis of Sound and Motion, Interactive Sound Synthesis and Machine Learning.