Books About Max

Generating Sound & Organizing Time is a book from Cycling ’74 for composers, musicians, sound designers, and experimentalists of all kinds interested in creating music and tools to generate and modulate audio using one of Max’s secret weapons — gen~.

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Step by Step by Gregory Taylor explores sequencing in Max with in-depth discussion and numerous example patches overing theory and practice.

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Masayuki Akamatsu


『マジカルMaxツアー』、『トランスMaxエクスプレス』に続きノイマンピアノがお届けする本書は、最新版Max/MSP 4.6、Mac OS X、Windows XPへの対応はもちろん、Jitter 1.6による映像処理プログラミングも網羅的に解説しています。初心者から上級者まで多様な要望に応えるべく、基本的なセットアップから始め、段階的なチュートリアル、MIDI処理、オーディオ処理、映像処理、応用事例、全オブジェクトを網羅したリファレンス・ガイドなど、1,088ページにわたりMaxの広大で深淵な世界をナビゲートします。

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Audio Processes: Musical Analysis, Modification, Synthesis, and Control

David Creasey


Designed for music technology students, enthusiasts, and professionals. It describes the practical design of audio processes, with a step-by-step approach from basic concepts all the way to sophisticated effects and synthesizers. Max users will be most interested in Parts II (Modification), III (Synthesis) and IV (Control), and may also find some interesting information in Part I (which concerns sound analysis).

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Composing Interactive Music: Techniques and Ideas Using Max

Todd Winkler


Interactive music refers to a composition or improvisation in which software interprets live performances to produce music generated or modified by computers. In Composing Interactive Music, Todd Winkler presents both the technical and aesthetic possibilities of this increasingly popular area of computer music. His own numerous compositions have been the laboratory for the research and development that resulted in this book.

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Designing Audio Objects for Max/MSP and Pd

Eric Lyon


Learning how to write externals for Max/MSP and Pd in C opens an entirely new world of creative possibilities for electronic musicians. This book guides the reader step-by-step through the process of designing externals, from concept through implementation. Twelve externals are presented, each revealing new sonic, musical, and programming possibilities.

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Electronic Music and Sound Design: Theory and Practice with Max 7 - Volume 1

Alessandro Cipriani and Maurizio Giri (Foreword by David Zicarelli)


This book explains sound design, music and concepts through Max, and gives lots of examples throughout. Available in Italian and English. Volume 1 updated for Max 7.

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Electronic Music and Sound Design: Theory and Practice with Max 7 - Volume 2

Alessandro Cipriani and Maurizio Giri (Foreword by Richard Boulanger)


Theory and Practice with Max 7 – Volume II, Second Edition updated to Max 7.

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Electronic Music and Sound Design : Theory and Practice with Max 8 - Volume 1 (Fourth Edition)

Alessandro Cipriani and Maurizio Giri


Structured for use in university courses, the book is an overview of the theory and practice of Max and MSP, with a glossary of terms and suggested tests that allow students to evaluate their progress. Comprehensive online support, running parallel to the explanations in the book, includes hundreds of sample patches, analyses, interactive sound-building exercises, and reverse engineering exercises. This book will provide a reader with skill and understanding in using Max/MSP for sound design and musical composition.

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Electronic Music and Sound Design: Theory and Practice with Max 8 - Volume 2

Alessandro Cipriani and Maurizio Giri


Structured for use in university courses, the book is an overview of the theory and practice of Max 8, with a glossary of terms and suggested tests that allow students to evaluate their progress. Comprehensive online support, running parallel to the explanations in the book, includes hundreds of sample patches, analyses, interactive sound-building exercises, completion and correction of patches, theory and Max 8 glossary and reverse engineering exercises. This book will provide a reader with skill and understanding in using Max 8 for sound design and musical composition.

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How to Program Max4Live Devices Volume 1: Effects

Maurizio Di Berardino


This first volume introduces the basics of programming in Max4Live. It is aimed at anyone who wants to start programming devices for Live from scratch. No previous knowledge of Max4Live or programming experience is required. The book accompanies the reader in learning the basic concepts step by step and in the creation of complete and functional devices. In addition to the technical notions, it explains how to approach the design of complete devices, ready for online distribution. From the fundamental notions, through the development of the audio part to the creation of the graphical interfaces, the text proceeds with a simple language and a pragmatic approach. This first volume is dedicated to the creation of effects devices. The projects that accompany the book are available for free download on the companion website They are complete devices that can be used freely for your own musical productions. If you want a book to get your feet wet into Max4Live devices programming in a fun and easy way, this might be for you.

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Learning Music Theory with Logic, Max, and Finale

Geoffrey Kidde


Learning Music Theory with Logic, Max, and Finale presents a comprehensive music theory curriculum based in the tools and resources of three software programs. Included are descriptions and recipes for Max patchers that demonstrate essential concepts, including rhythmic patterns, intervals, scales, triads, seventh chords, melody, and diatonic and chromatic chord progressions.

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Le Guide Ultime et Zen de Max for Live

Julien Bayle


Avec ce guide, vous apprendrez à maîtriser les concepts de Max for Live, comprendre et utiliser le Live Object Model, créer ses propres instruments et générateurs de sons, créer ses propres effets MIDI et audio, créer ses interfaces avec contrôles et feedback, et scripter ses interfaces avec JavaScript.

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Max for Live Ultimate Zen Guide

Julien Bayle


A guide explaining the Max integration inside Ableton Live. Understand and use the Live Object Model, create your own instruments and sound generators and create your own MIDI and audio FX.

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Max/MSP: guía de programación para artistas

Francisco Colasanto


“Max/MSP: guía de programación para artistas” es el primer texto en castellano que permite comprender esta indispensable herramienta desde una perspectiva creativa y detallada, ofreciendo soluciones claras para proyectos de cualquier nivel de complejidad.

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Max/MSP: guía de programación para artistas, Max 6: Interfaz

Francisco Colasanto


Este es un libro destinado a todos aquellos que deseen involucrarse con la programación en Max/MSP.

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Max/MSP/Jitter for Music: A Practical Guide to Developing Interactive Music Systems for Education and More (2nd Edition)

V. J. Manzo


In Max/MSP/Jitter for Music, expert author and music technologist V. J. Manzo provides a user-friendly introduction to a powerful programming language that can be used to write custom software for musical interaction. Through clear, step-by-step instructions illustrated with numerous examples of working systems, the book equips readers with everything they need to know in order to design and complete meaningful music projects.

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Max/MSP/Jitter Tutorial For Interactive Sound and Video

MA Shihua


Published by People's Music Publishing House in China and currently only available in China.

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Max/MSP: Programming Guide for Artists, Max 6: Interface

Francisco Colasanto


Offers teaching techniques for different levels and a reference source on the Max programming language.

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Musica Elettronica e Sound Design: Teoria e Pratica con Max 7 - Volume 2

Alessandro Cipriani and Maurizio Giri (Prefazione di David Zicarelli)


Theory and Practice with Max 7 – Volume II, Second Edition updated to Max 7.

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Musica Elettronica e Sound Design: Teoria e Pratica con Max 8 - Volume 2 (Prefazione di David Zicarelli)

Alessandro Cipriani and Maurizio Giri


Il secondo volume (ora aggiornato a Max 8) di un’opera fondamentale dedicata alla sintesi e alla elaborazione del suono con Max e MSP. Il presente volume è composto da più di 700 pagine su sintesi, elaborazione del suono e programmazione Max, esempi sonori e interattivi, centinaia di patch, supporti online, test, attività di reverse engineering, ecc. Include inoltre un esteso capitolo su Max for Live, un’applicazione con cui è possibile creare plug-in per il software Ableton Live. È un sistema didattico organico in più volumi e una parte online che sviluppa una concezione aperta e interattiva dell’insegnamento e dell’apprendimento della musica elettronica e del sound design.

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Musica Elettronica e Sound Design: Teoria e Pratica con Max 8 - Volume 3

Alessandro Cipriani and Maurizio Giri


Questo è il terzo volume di un sistema didattico organico sulla sintesi e l’elaborazione digitale del suono con Max 8, comprendente una corposa sezione online composta da centinaia di esempi sonori e interattivi o video, glossari di teoria e di pratica, test, programmi scritti in Max, una libreria di oggetti Max espressamente creata per questi volumi e numerose attività pratiche anche con Gen e Jitter.

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Programmare Max4Live device: Effetti (Italian Edition)

Maurizio Di Berardino


Questo primo volume introduce alle basi della programmazione in Max4Live. È indirizzato a chiunque voglia iniziare a programmare device per Live da zero. Nessuna conoscenza di Max4Live o di programmazione pregressa è necessaria. Il testo accompagna il lettore nell'apprendimento passo passo dei concetti di base e nella realizzazione di device completi e funzionanti. Oltre alle nozioni tecniche, viene spiegato come approcciarsi alla progettazione di device completi pronti per la distribuzione online. Dalle nozioni fondamentali, passando per lo sviluppo della parte audio fino alla realizzazione delle interfacce grafiche, il testo procede con un linguaggio semplice e un approccio pragmatico. Questo primo volume è dedicato alla realizzazione di effetti. I progetti che accompagnano il libro sono disponibili gratuitamente tramite apposita pagina dal sito che fa da completamento al testo stesso. Sono device completi che possono essere utilizzati per le proprie produzioni musicali liberamente. Se desiderate un libro che vi introduca alla programmazione di device per Live in maniera semplice e divertente, questo potrebbe fare al caso vostro.

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Síntesis I. Teoría y práctica en Max MSP (Volume 1)

Carlos D. Perales


An introduction to the digital synthesis through Max MSP or vice versa. At the same time that the different types of synthesis and their theoretical principles are explained, the resources offered by this digital tool are explored through a detailed explanation of practical examples.

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The Art and Technique of Electroacoustic Music

Peter Elsea


Explore topics from the fundamentals of acoustics through the basics of recording, composition with the tools of music concreté, and music production with MIDI instruments, softsynths and digital audio Workstations. Later sections of the book cover synthesis in depth and introduce high powered computer composition languages including Csound, ChucK, and Max/MSP.

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If you have a book to recommend that covers Max, please contact us with the details.