New in Max
Latest Release
Max 8.6 was released January 2024. For the complete list of updates, see the Max 8.6 release notes. To get the latest version of Max, visit our Downloads page.
Play SFZ Instruments
Load SFZ-format sampler instruments in Max and play them with simple MIDI messages using the new sfizz~ object. Learn more…
Create Your Own Samplers
With full support for both SFZ-formatted text files and dictionary input, sfizz~ lets you define your own sample-based instruments. With just a few opcodes you can define and experiment with your own sampler or drum machine. Learn more…
New Data Types
Max Arrays
At their simplest, arrays are like lists, with the added ability to include other arrays, strings, and dictionaries as members. This addition expands the flexibility of what can be done with data in Max, with over 40 new objects to manage and operate on arrays. Learn more…
Max Strings
Work with text in Max without the performance impacts and character limits associated with symbol usage. Over 30 new string objects provide ways to create, manage and manipulate strings. Learn more…
Max Updates
New Gamepad Object
Connect Max with any game controller using the new gamepad object, which provides fast, easy, and cross-platform connections to gaming hardware and outputs data in meaningful ways. Learn more…
New Color Themes
Max 8.6 introduces a collection of 18 new Max themes that let you extend the colors of the Max environment beyond light and dark grey. You can find these themes in the Max Preferences window.
Max for Live
MIDI Tools
Create custom Max patches that generate and alter MIDI data in a Live Clip.
Use a signal or float value to alter Live parameters in realtime without changing the stored parameter value. Live modulation is an alternative to using live.remote~ to modify controls with Max for Live in realtime.
Previous Max Updates
Below are some highlights from recent Max releases. See the downloads page for more detailed notes.
Music with Signals
Objects for Signal-Based Music
Explore using signal ramps and pulses as the basis for generating musical sequences, with a suite of new objects like subdiv~, ramp~, table~, shape~ and phasegroove~. Learn more…
MC Snow
The new mc.snowphasor~ and mc.snowfall~ offer the ability to generate and modulate musical events based on a particle system approach borrowed from graphics. Learn more…
Modular Routing Made Simple
The new crosspatch UI object works similarly to the matrixctrl object, visualized as patchcords with optional attenuators for extra control over the mix. Learn more…
Signal-accurate MIDI Events
The mc.midiplayer~ object interprets a multichannel signal as MIDI events that can drive VSTs, AUs, Max Devices, and sfizz~. Learn more…
Physically Based Rendering
The new object lets you create and use PBR materials to render any object. This offers a more realistic visual effect than the typical rendering pipeline.
Jitter Tools Package
Including abstractions for video-warping and projection mapping, loading multiple movie files, and generating gradients, the Jitter Tools package offers a small set of useful Jitter add-on features.
Max 8 Highlights
For a more detailed description of Max 8 features, see the Max 8 release page.
MC introduces multi-channel signal patching in Max, allowing you to create more complex sound processes with fewer objects and patchcords. Learn more…
Node for Max
The node.script object brings the full range of modern NodeJS and NPM features to Max. Add a simple web server and integrate NPM libraries into a patch, with an API that allows for communication between a node script and the patcher.
VIZZIE Updated
With Max 8, the entire VIZZIE library has been rebuilt to run on the GPU, bringing greater performance and flexibility to this modular video processing collection. Learn more…
MIDI and keyboard mapping of UI objects is now easily accomplished using the Mappings window in Max. Learn more…