LOOPO is a device for recording and layering midi-clips in Ableton Live's 'session view'.
actually, it's re-defining the way improvisation in Live's 'session view' works.

In short,LOOPO can record 'master-clips' that will set Live's tempo and then record 'slave-clips' in sync.
'slave-clips' can be recorded at any point in the playing bar, independent of Live's 'launch quantization'.LOOPO will sync the clips for you.

Just hit 'REC' , LOOPO will wait for you to play something and then start recording,no pre-roll or waitin g for Live's transport to reach 1.1.1

there are lots of other features like a custom overdub function and more.


Download this tool

Stephane Morisse's icon

I'm in if you're still looking for testers.

taylortronic's icon

I can't wait to check this out! I've often wondered why Ableton hasn't made such a plug-in. You really have filled a vacuum!

rbrt's icon

hi eyerybody,
if you want to take part in testing email to:

I ran into some problems regarding synchronicity of slaved loops
but I'm about to solve this.
and I would appreciate your help regarding GUI design and a lot more..


Creative Commons License
