EMiX -The Electribe editor

Current version: 0.08

EMiX is an editor for the Electribe MX. current features are:
-sync with current selected pattern through SYSEX
-real-time sync of all the EMX settings through RNPN/CC (excluding step edit, song mode, and a few lesser used settings)
-save/load curent state to presets (the matrix of white dots close to the midi interface selection)
-"main volume" moving proportionally all the individual volumes (not linked to the master volume on the EMX)
-Audio VU-meter for mixing purposes
-entirely customizable/open source patch for Max users

Quickstart guide:
1) select your midi/audio interfaces in the lower right part
2) select the pattern you wish to sync on the EMX and hit the "sync current pattern" button ONLY ONCE.
3) wait a few seconds so all the message are received, you're done syncing! Now you can do anything.

nothing is saved on the EMX until you hit the WRITE button on the EMX. Because EMiX is at a early development stage, there can be errors when translating the midi/sysex messages. You should in a first time use the preset matrix (in the midi interface selection section) and only save it when you are sure everything is properly edited.

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  • EMiX

John Updike's icon

This is really quite good - a useful tool!

Jean-Francois Charles's icon

This is a great project. I would be interested to know if someone tried built a esx file editor in Max!


Creative Commons License
